How do you feel about estate pipes?
What are your feelings on estate pipes? I only own one, and it was from my grandfather. It is very important to me and I love it dearly. That being said I feel weird owning a pipe to which I do not share some connection with the previous owner. Maybe I will get over it, but I can't see myself shopping online for someone's old Peterson anytime soon.
I did.As to a personal connection to the previous owner,we both share
an interest in pipes and pipe smoking.As is stated on many forums.
We are Brothers of the Briar.Estates are a wonderful means to
filling out your rack and with a little salt and alcohol they can be
safer than that scapel mentioned earlier.
Just received an estate hardcastle in the mail today. Ran a pipe cleaner through it and came out pitch black and smelling less of tobacco and more of other smoke able products. Getting a good alcohol and salt treatment. Will see how it goes from their.