More by Sutliff
in Tobacco Talk
Hello Pipe and Tobacco aficionados, hope all is well in your world out there. A little chilly out this way today with cloud cover however it's still a good day especially if your vertical one might say. I wanted to share and asked the question, is there any "sutliff presbyterian" lovers out there? I have always enjoyed the presbyterian mixture from the first time I smoked this blend, I really enjoy it especially during this time of season. Recently I have tried their new blends which are the Presbyterian "ordained" and "Reformation". If you have tried these two blends I would like to hear your opinion and which one do you enjoy the most. Thank you and be safe out there. Remember, smoke what you like and like what you smoke, take the time to contemplate.
👍🏻Like what you smoke and smoke what you like🙂
Almost all their blends are goopy, but here's what I've found, given my house temperature and humidity.
I put down a couple of thin plastic cutting sheets I pick up at the Dollar store, then place 2 layers of absorbent paper towels on top.
I then spread out the blend as thinly as possible and forget about it for at LEAST 24 hours!... that's right, 24 hours.
I then check on it and go from there.
There have been times when it has taken as much as 48 hours + to get thier blends in a better smokeable condition.
Remember, this is all based on MY judgements. But it does seem to work for me...
Now some of them, like Molto Dolce are goopy. But let's not generalize all of their blends.
They have over 412 blends listed on tobacco reviews and their blends are obviously selling well enough that many pipe smokers don't hate their blends.
Another thing about Boswell: Nice folks and superior customer service.