Whole leaf blending and pressing

in Tobacco Talk
I pulled out the bright and lemon whole leaf. After de-stemming it
filled an entire mixing bowl. Amazing that it was only 235g of tobacco.
Looking at the bowl I was having my doubts but I did a hand rip and
stuffed in the new press. It was full to the top but spongy. Opened the
C-clamp to max and angled it to push down until I could fit the bottom
of the clamp under. I cranked that sucker down. The results

After 10 days it cannot crank any tighter. 1/2 lb of whole leave pressed into a 2 1/2" x 3" x 3" square. Placed it in a really hot in the truck so it probably stoved for 16-20 hours.It is
unreal. 233g dense as a board plug. It has a nice mellow sweetness and
no hay/grass and no harshness at all. 2/3 bright, 1/3 lemon whole
leaf. The casing was bought and was lemon/inverted sugar water. I will
start making my own casing in the pressure cooker from here on out.

Amazing. It looks really good. Let us know how it is.
New 8oz whole leaf plug aka block of wood. Red and bright Virginia plus Kentucky fire cure. Smells heavenly. Will slice some flakes on the plug cutter tonight and give it a go.
That's so cool! You've got it all going on. I'd love to see your shop sometime. I'm here in NC too!
Yeah! That sounds great. It's about 30min from me.
There is also a great bourbon bar with a cigar lounge here as well
Here is the last dark fired Kentucky/Virginia whole leaf plug for the season. Going to focus on whole leaf Latakia/oriental and burley blends this fall/winter
Wow, your definitely a pro. Looks fantastic! Hit me up and for a libation and bowl.
Whole leaf latakia blend plug Whole leaf latakia blend plug - Ace Four's Notebook
Looks good enough to eat.
You, Sir, are way advanced when compared to the rest of us pipe hobbyists, but for those of us starting out in leaf blending....
Pipe Tobacco Leaves - Craft Your Own Custom Pipe Blends