Lane Vanilla Black Cavendish

in Tobacco Talk
Now that Lane's VBC is no longer available does anyone have a suggestion for a replacement?
Sutliff Vanilla Custard comes close (but no cigar).
I have bought from Boswell in the past, but haven't tried these
@pwkarch and I sang the praises of Egg Nog a couple of months back. Imade a sweet blend of equal parts Barbados Plantation, Egg Nog, and Molto Dolce.
TheEgg Nog by itself is the compleat Christmas blend.
I have all the fixings - I think I will try that...Thanks!
i call the mixture Navy Grog. “Egg Nog” is a terrible name for a very nice tobacco. For any tobacco.
Rum, ok. Eggs, milk…. Nope.
I’m not as opposed to the moniker “Egg Nog” tobacco as you, but “Navy Grog” is much, much better👍🏻
Lane Vanilla Black Cavendish