Presbyterian Mixture
in Tobacco Talk
Hello Pipe and Tobacco Aficionados, hope all is well and everyone is trying to be safe during these times. Even though I have been smoking pipes and tobaccos for some time now, I have never smoked "Presbyterian Mixture" until now. I have read about this blend many times and I have had a tin of this blend in the cellar for quit some time, just never tried it, (don't know why) never felt the rush. I shared a similar conversation with the "This Pipe Life" family concerning another blend not very long ago in order to obtain some feedback and opinions. I thank those who responded. I like what I consider the soft note of the Presbyterian mixture especially when comparing it to one of my other english style/type blends. I smoked it in a meerschaum pipe in order to get what I consider that true first taste of the blend. Every draw of the smoke was the same with good taste as stated; it burned well, very few re-lights and it was a slow smoke, which I also liked. So with that being said, do you or have you smoked "Presbyterian Mixture", if so what are your thoughts, care to share ? Remember, Smoke what you like and like what you smoke. Be safe out there.
Tag Archives: Presbyterian mixture
I also enjoy a Presbyterian sermon or theology book.
Will Do👍🏻