Smoke what you like and like what you smoke
in Tobacco Talk
Hello pipe and tobacco aficionados, hope all is well. In keeping with the motto, I just pull off the shelf a jar of L.J. Perette's, Blend #432, Mild Cavendish. This blend has been with me now for over a year and a half so I decided to grabbed it. I had also written on the top of the jar "Very Good" but I could not remember the taste of the blend, as stated it is a "Cavendish." Well, I tell you especially if you like cavendish (every once and awhile), I think this is a pretty good smoke. Being a cavendish it was very well kept within the jar, the smell was great and smoked even better with a little dry time. If you ever had this blend, let me know what you think. I understand everyone may not like or care very much for cavendish blends, however this one from L.J. Peretti is a "GO" at this station, I also like it as an all day smoke. I enjoyed it in a Peterson Sherlock Holmes "Strand" ( just sharing). Remember, smoke what you like and like what you smoke.
I have reached the same point. You just have to follow your own heart or in this case tastes.