Sutliff Private Stock Eastfarthing and Panna Cotta

I have a communication from
<<Eastfarthing will be available on some of the more popular online retailers! They should be up any day now. We are so thankful for your love of Barbados Plantation.>>
<<Eastfarthing will be available on some of the more popular online retailers! They should be up any day now. We are so thankful for your love of Barbados Plantation.>>
Sutliff Eastfarthing 1.5 Oz Tin
Sutliff Panna Cotta 1.5 Oz Tin
Just ordered a tin of both new Private Stock blends
So nice to hear from you. Thanks so much for giving the two new blends a try. They will be VERY different than your Barbados Plantation, but we certainly hope you will enjoy them nonetheless.
We always thank you for your support!
So, I took my first and favorite Carey out on the rear deck after dinner.
Now, I have have shown absolutely no aptitude for tobacco reviews, but I know what I like.
What we have here is Sutliff's Private Stock Eastfarthing.
Cup o' Joe's describes it as "Mature Red Virginias, stoved Burley & aged Latakia with a hint of sweetness. A similar blend to McClelland's Frog Morton Cellar." already sold out.
Does it match FMC? Well, to begin with, there's no whiskey taste/smell, (and no barrel stave cube!). It does have that "... hint of sweetness" to compensate.
The taste is similar to, but not the same as, FMC.
Cool smoking, no bite, no dottle, no mouth coating.
Smells delicious while smoking and on the retrohale, but I cannot tell you how it smells to others (room note).
I am an aromatic smoker; my favorite blend is Barbados Plantation.
I also smoke a frankenblend of VBC, BCA, RLP-6, and Lagonda.
I really liked the small amount of FMC one of my pipe life brothers recently gifted to me, and I mourned FMC's passing, long after its passing......
I like this Eastfarthing stuff even more than the FMC -- and not only because it's (semi-) available.
It fills the FMC hole; and more to the point, it's delicious.
A Latakia blend certain to please any aromatic smoker.
Whether it'll please those who smoke English blends -- it being an English blend, but a different one -- is up to them.
Of course, that's just my opinion..... I could be wrong.... it's happened before..... just ask SWMBO.
I'll buy from the merchant that has good prices and fast service. But, above all else, they've got to have what I want.....
Now, watch me wax rhapsodic over the other new Sutliff Blend, Panna Cotta. Cup o' Joe's describes it thus: ""Epitomizes Vanilla - A blend of Burley, Virginia & Black Cavendish."
And it certainly does.
Hey, @pwkarch -- Of all the vanilla blends I have tried, Panna Cotta stands out. Paul, it's better than Sutliff Vanilla Custard! It's even better than Lane VBC.
Seriously. When you can, get onto this one.....
Any drawbacks? Yes, like most aromatics I've encountered, this one leaves a wet dottle. But unlike, say, Molto Dolce or Barbados Plantation, it doesn't come "moist towelette" right out of the tin.
Like the other new blend, Eastfarthing, it's very smokable right out of the tin.
JUDGEMENT: If I had to, I'd give up my beloved Barbados Plantation for either Panna Cotta or Eastfarthing.
Fortunately, I don't have to do that..... Buy them when you can.....
Now, when are PipesandCigars and Smokingpipes and Tobaccopippes going to "get off die Schneide" and offer these two Private Stock blends for sale?????? -- NOPE -- NOPE -- NOPE
TheCountrySquireOnline -- No search function???
C'mon, guys!!! Take our money!!!!!!
A Google Search renders only....
So, the good news is that the Panna Cotta is available.....
What's the distribution problem here? Sutliff says they have no control over the retailers.....
Exotic Orange is awesome. Have you ever tried Dan Tobacco “Devil’s Holiday”? It is another great smoke...berry fruit instead of orange👍🏻 It can also be a hassle to acquire as well🙁. I bought a big ol’ Bag last time though🙂
Try Peterson Connoisseur blend for a little citrus: "Alcohol / Liquor, Coffee, Fruit / Citrus, Rum, Vanilla, Whisky"
Where are our usual internet merchants????????????
Why don't most of the online purveyors of pipe tobacco carry these two?
I mean, thank goodness for, a retailer that has been mentioned here on TPL, though not as many times as several others.
But at least Cupojoes had both blends.... for a short while.
(BTW: Did you ever hear of Or "Chestertons Fine Cigars?" Neither have I.....)
Sutliff says they cannot dictate when the retailers put their products on the web.
So what's going on?
Also, take note: The Panna Cotta has finally reached
<<This easy-smoking blend of tangy-sweet bright Virginia, smooth and mellow Burley and silky black Cavendish is finished with a rich, robust vanilla/caramel/butterscotch-type note that makes for a fantastic room note but comes through as softly-sweet vanilla to the palate. You won't believe the compliments you'll get while you enjoy a bowl of Sutliff Private Stock Panna Cotta.>>
As has the FMC-related Eastfarthing !!!!!!!!!!!!!
<<There are two groups of pipe smokers who will find a lot to like with Sutliff Private Stock Eastfarthing. The first group is people who fondly remember lightly aromatic blends that had some Latakia mixed in, like Revelation and Barking Dog. The other group would be those folks who really miss McClelland's Frog Morton blends, and there are a lot of you out there. Sutliff Private Stock Eastfarthing has a base of red Virginia and toasted Burley, along with a splash of Cyprian Latakia, but what sets it apart is the smooth and mellow vanilla note that lightly sweetens the mixture and gives it a pleasant room note. I'm willing to bet that this will rapidly become one of the best-selling entries in the Sutliff Private Stock lineup.>>
Sutliff Private Stock Panna Cotta Review