Winston has completely captured my brides heart, along with my granddaughters and daughter-in-law. Even my son seems to have become enchanted. OK, the little SOB has won us all over. Now it is back to third in command. Oh well, I never claimed to be cute or cuddley, not a title a pipe smoker would expect.
We found this stray cat playing with Winston in the back yard. We decided to take him in. He is just as sweet as Winston and even though he is rather large, they sure have fun together.
Man, I’d love to have a Cougar for a pet….but I’d always be thinking…when is he going to get fed up with my shit and just claw my guts out and chomp my spine through my neck. Heck, if I get Felix pissed, he scares me. He’s a ball of muscle, claws and teeth….and he’s only 10-12 lbs😳
@RockyMountainBriar; Cougar?? Holy Shit! I thought it was awfully big for a stray cat. I got to get rid of the thing. I didn't think that there were any cougars in Iowa. I feel like an idiot.
@Londy3; @RockyMountainBriar; My dear brothers. I can't believe that you would think that an Irishman wouldn't know the difference between a Cougar and a stray cat. I've told a few tales in my day, but never have I had anyone believe one to the extent that you bought into this blarney. Please forgive me.
@opipeman I can’t believe that you would think I believed you had a stray cougar in your bathtub either. Ahh…Nope, I didn’t think you had a stray cougar in your bathtub, I’m not that gullible. I was just making the statement about how much I would like to have a Cougar as a pet….except for the serious drawbacks I mentioned.
Well...we lost our 14 y.o. dachshund Liesl on Sunday night. Had to take her in to be put down when she started hemorrhaging from the nose. It was a very rapid decline and end and hit me harder than I thought it could. Ah! Loving a pet is a joy yet an act of courage because it really, really hurts when you lose 'em. RIP, my funny little puppy.
"All the times that you stooped and touched my head, fed me my favorite treat, and returned the love that I gave to you -- I ask that you not grieve, but remember that we lived, loved, and touched each others lives. My life was fuller because you were there for me, not as my owner, but as my friend.
Today I am as I was in my youth. The grass is always green, butterflies flit among the flowers and the sun shines gently down upon me. I can see and hear and run, and jump, and play and do all of the things that I did when I was young. There are no more aching joints; my infirmity is gone.
Don't hold the love that you have within yourself. Give it to another like me, and our love will never die."
If you could just teach Vinny how to smoke a pipe, you'd have the PERFECT smoking companion... 😏
I completely agree!!!
Wow, what a beast!
Cougar?? Holy Shit! I thought it was awfully big for a stray cat. I got to get rid of the thing. I didn't think that there were any cougars in Iowa. I feel like an idiot.
My dear brothers. I can't believe that you would think that an Irishman wouldn't know the difference between a Cougar and a stray cat. I've told a few tales in my day, but never have I had anyone believe one to the extent that you bought into this blarney. Please forgive me.
I can’t believe that you would think I believed you had a stray cougar in your bathtub either. Ahh…Nope, I didn’t think you had a stray cougar in your bathtub, I’m not that gullible. I was just making the statement about how much I would like to have a Cougar as a pet….except for the serious drawbacks I mentioned.
"All the times that you stooped and touched my head, fed me my favorite treat, and returned the love that I gave to you -- I ask that you not grieve, but remember that we lived, loved, and touched each others lives. My life was fuller because you were there for me, not as my owner, but as my friend.
Today I am as I was in my youth. The grass is always green, butterflies flit among the flowers and the sun shines gently down upon me. I can see and hear and run, and jump, and play and do all of the things that I did when I was young. There are no more aching joints; my infirmity is gone.
Don't hold the love that you have within yourself. Give it to another like me, and our love will never die."
Beautiful words and thoughts. Thank you.
My condolences sir. It is amazing how close a beloved pet becomes and how deeply they are missed when they pass. 🙏🏼
Also, I don't see any pipe-sized packages under that tree... 😏
I don't either. I guess I'm holding out for my secret Santa to pull through 🤞
Looks as if Maximus can use a "chill" pill... 😏
Nay, ‘twas but a yawn.
Great name for that beast 🤣