A question?
Gentlemen, bought a pipe from P&C a while back,good smoking pipe, can't remember the name of it, seems like it was called a yellow something or other. It's a pipe that doesn't cake. What would be the purpose of that? Just curious.

The bowl came with a yellow colored coating that supposedly made with honey to cake up faster.
<<In 1963, Super-Temp Corporation began making plastic pipes with pyrolytic graphite bowl liners. They were called the pipe. In 1965, Super-Temp contracted to market their unique pipes through Venturi, Inc., the company which sold Tar Gard cigarette filters. Colors and stripes began to be offered circa 1967. About 1970, THE SMOKE pipes were added to the line – they were non-traditional shapes with a less expensive bowl liner. Venturi pipes were added around 1972 – they had no liner in the bowls at all. The pipes were out of production by 1975.
Although it was originally offered only in black, in 1967 the pipe came in nine different shapes and offered in standard red, green, blue and white. The pre 1970’s pipes were coated with a two-part epoxy paint while those after 1970 used an acrylic paint. Additional colors and color schemes were offered throughout the life of the brand but some of the ‘unique’ colors were the result of fading of the acrylic paint.>>
Also see: http://www.thepipe.info/sitemap.html
Have you ever dealt with a Board of Trustees?
I had to sit there, poker faced, as week after week we heard inquiries of this sort:
"What time does the noon bus leave?"
Else that, or after a half hour of discussing whether or not we could afford a proposed purchase, a Trustee will ask, "But, I if you ask me, the real issue is, "Can we afford a it, and do we really need one?"
@motie2, Don't you trust me motie? LoL
It only took you three years.
I've explained that to you before.
Again, please? Thanks!
I messaged you the "secret truth".