Yes, indeed. Every member adds to our continued viability as a free service. I liked the Oogie pic and the pic of a Thumbnail, but this one is nice, too. Thanks....
You must be imagining things. I think it was Rene' Descarte when performing his Meditations for the Queen back in the mid 1600's and proved the existence of God (even though he himself was an atheist) by first proving that nothing physical existed...that we are all simply dreaming our physical beings into existence--maybe that's your problem!
Some regulars
Some lurkers
Some occasionally
He was on this morning.
"Last Active 10:51AM"
Present! (Sometimes
Hey, me too!
Really? Seriously? You missed me that much?
I like your new picture by the way.
Yes, indeed. Every member adds to our continued viability as a free service.
I liked the Oogie pic and the pic of a Thumbnail, but this one is nice, too.
I have to agree with @vtgrad2003….Oogie is a disturbing creeper.
There were in the past for sure. If there is now, they are hiding behind a false avatar.
I think you missed the point!
That's not unusual...I tend to be dense that least that's what my wife says!
I drink, eat, piss and shit. Therefore I am.
That's similar to the "Brain in a Vat" thought experiment.
To hell in a handbasket.