@RockyMountainBriar I used a technique you shared with @motie2. I used my senior reamer to hold the last pipe I stained and it worked like a champ. It was much easier to control the staining process and I will be using your little trick from now on. I thank you...
Once I stained the pipe, I partially placed the stem back on the stummel, removed the pipe reamer while holding on to the stem, then carefully placed it on the "high-tech stain drying system" I made with a dowel rod and let it dry... Of course if I flame the pipe, that won't be necessary. Anyway, great tip and I appreciate it...
@Corey562 OK, here's the kaywoodie I was telling you about. Dirty, crumbly deep brown/black and the silver band is slightly pitted. Reaming it now and will dump it a an alcohol bath...
Ok. Reamed, preliminary sanding stages complete, polished out shank extension, sanatized and refinished stem. Notice pit fill on side of bowl. Grain looks decent so I'll try to work around it. @Corey562 gave me inspiration so I'm going to black stain, sand then restain with lighter color. Show finished pic when completed...
@Corey562 Why the new stem?... Wait, he's probably a clencher... Looks good! Do you ever get the urge to refinish a pipe that's been given to you for repair?
@KA9FFJ You are welcome for the pipe dye tip. I am very much a person that shares helpful information. They say information is power...well I am never going to be powerful, just helpful
@Woodsman Thanks for the compliment. I don't hold a candle to @Corey562 but it doesn't mean I have any less fun. Most people see just the work done on the outside of the pipe, but I actually spend more time reaming, sanitizing, S&A treatments, 15 to 30 pipe cleaners, etc. etc. but it is a labor of love... Thanks again
@Corey562 Next will be a Butz pictured below. Filthy, it will need a lot of cleaning before I can sand and see what's below all the grime, etc., and see what I really have... Big reaming job ahead...
@Woodsman Yes, the stem won't require much work. I finally have the stummel alcohol bathed, and the bowl reamed. I will start sanding tomorrow and see what, if anything, is hiding under the stain...
You two are artisans, each in his own way, in the original sense of the word.
@RockyMountainBriar I used a technique you shared with @motie2. I used my senior reamer to hold the last pipe I stained and it worked like a champ. It was much easier to control the staining process and I will be using your little trick from now on. I thank you...
Once I stained the pipe, I partially placed the stem back on the stummel, removed the pipe reamer while holding on to the stem, then carefully placed it on the "high-tech stain drying system"
I made with a dowel rod and let it dry... Of course if I flame the pipe, that won't be necessary. Anyway, great tip and I appreciate it...
Not in a league with your finishes, but good enough for me...... THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!
Do you ever get the urge to refinish a pipe that's been given to you for repair?
You are welcome for the pipe dye tip. I am very much a person that shares helpful information. They say information is power...well I am never going to be powerful, just helpful