I have 2 different butane lighters that I alternate between. An IM Corona pewter, and a Vertigo Puffer. I reach for the Vertigo, when I need to get into a deep bowl.
I have a Zippo pipe lighter with Sherlock Holmes on the front that work perfectly on all my pipes except a chunky Danish Freehand. The flame from the lighter can't make good contact with the tobacco because of the shape of the bowl.
I recognize the superior utility and craftsmanship-for-the-money of the Zippo pipe lighter. But I can't get past the taste of lighter fluid. It's like those old lighter fluid hand warmers; they really worked, but you smelled like lighter fluid. So I use wicks at home and BICs in the field. I hope the Linse lighters are as good as advertised.
I picked up this Dunhill Rollagas at last weekends New York Pipe Show. I don't really like gold plate but it was in like new condition and the price was right.
Like motie2, the lighter fluid smell hits me first, so my Zippo and Nimrod pipe lighters sit on the shelf. At least with wooden matches, I can let the sulfur burn off & get to the wood, which I love. I use them all the time at home. When I'm away, I carry a Corona Old Boy. It's perfectly functional as well as the most dependable refillable lighter I've ever used.
@Woodsman -- Thanks for calling my attention to the Linse Disposable Pipe Lighters. I paid $15.95 for six Linses on eBay and they arrived today. For the rest of you, they're like a BIC but with a built-in extension that provides for an adjustable horizontal flame for lighting pipes. The ignition is piezo electric and reliable, lighting on almost every click. Not an Old Boy, but it gets the job done. I'm really impressed.
Now here is the perfect Zippo collection for someone like me who not only likes Zippo lights but is a sci-fi fan with a passion for the ALIEN franchise. This is one of those Bradford Exchange collections that can get pretty damn expensive ... but is cool as Hell.
@ghostsofpompeii -- "Cool as hell," indeed. This is the kind of thing which inspires envy!!!! (I want one!) On the other hand, could I sleep with that in the room? Maybe turned away.
The Zippo pipe lighter. Always dependable. When I started smoking a pipe many years ago there was a snobbishness among some pipe smokers that a Zippo shouldn't be used for a pipe and butane or kitchen matches should be used. Every refillable butane lighter meant for pipes has been a great disappointment to me. And I don't like walking around with a box of kitchen matches in my pocket.
I found an old IMCO G77r lighter on eBay that's in really good shape. I heard that these cheap, discontinued lighters are really good if you can find one. I have to agree wholeheartedly. I've been using mine daily with no issues and excellent performance for about a month now. I have lighters worth $100s but this one is really impressive. I encourage you to snag one if you can ever fine one.
My “Honest” angled soft-flame butane lighter with the long pipe tools is my go to. My new soft-flame butane Vector with the slide-up “extendo tip” is great for getting down low in the bowl and as a backup when I run out of butane in the “Honest” lighter. Then, as my triple back-up, a Zippo with a butane Z-Plus pipe insert. If the bomb hits and it’s the “Rona Zombie Apocalypse”, time for the Zippo with the Z-Plus dual torch insert.
I have 2 different butane lighters that I alternate between. An IM Corona pewter, and a Vertigo Puffer. I reach for the Vertigo, when I need to get into a deep bowl.
Now here is the perfect Zippo collection for someone like me who not only likes Zippo lights but is a sci-fi fan with a passion for the ALIEN franchise. This is one of those Bradford Exchange collections that can get pretty damn expensive ... but is cool as Hell.
No, but isn’t it wonderfully ostentatious? It probably works like a Kardashian,