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OTC, Codger or Gas station blends



  • For years smoked Half and Half, last year, running out of tobacco, bought a couple boxes of Prince Albert and liked. As @PappyJoe said, these tobaccos are around for so long for a good reason: they are not bad and they are cheap. 
  • Has anyone tried Backwoods pipe tobacco? I had not seen it before. The cigar wrappers are usually sold over the counter. 
  • @Leonard - You are correct. My tobacco of choice back in the 70s was Borkum Riff. It was only after I got exposed to bulk blends at tobacco shops that I started exploring and getting overwhelmed with the choices. I also believe that in a blind tasting people would be surprised by the preferences. I also think you could line up similar tobaccos from some of the big blenders and most wouldn't be able to name which brand they were smoking.
  • I'm still trying to figure out why in my first pipe life (1964-mid '80's) I smoked only English blends, along with an occasional VaPer like Escudo, while this time around, beginning in late summer of 2016, I can't stand Latakia and I'm smoking aromatics exclusively, save for Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, a VaPer/aromatic hybrid.
  • @motie2 - Because you got older and wiser.   :)
  • I dunno, @pappyjoe. English blends seem "older and wiser."
  • I love prince albert. Carter hall as well as half and half are regulars in my pipe. So far the only codger blend I  did not care for was granger. Not to knock the tobacco,  it was simply not a blend I cared for. I have noticed though the difference in otc tobacco when using a cob vs. a briar seems much more pronounced than with my usual english blends.
  • Jeff20Jeff20 Connoisseur
    edited January 2019
    Dead On!... I roll my own cigarettes by machine, and Use OHM brand tobacco and would never smoke this brand in a pipe, though it is a pretty good cigarette tobacco. And as Pappy says the "pipe tobacco" emblem is for tax puposes only. It is just a class B or C tobacco, "meaning" it has stems in it and doesn't have to be fine cut and cleaned as class A tobacco does. At least this is what I belive to be right. So it isn't taxed as class A, therefore is less expensive.  but it IS not a pipe tobacco...
  • @ghostsofpompeii, nice to hear from you Joe, was worried about you.
  • My main OTC stocker is LL Ready Rubbed. Captain Black Original and Copper are also nice.
  • I love St. Bruno's and glad it's getting some love from SmokingPipes!
  • Sir Walter Raleigh pipe tobacco was introduced in 1927 and has become a staple blend for American pipe enthusiasts ever since. Sir Walter Raleigh Regular is made of top quality Burley tobaccos with a very subtle top note for a gentle, pleasant aroma and smooth flavor. Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic, while not having been around quite as long, has become very popular with its blend of Burley and Virginia tobaccos with a wonderful room note and silky flavor. This week, you can get SWR Regular for only $4.49 per pouch, or $21.99 for a seven ounce can, and SWR Aromatic is only $4.99 for a pouch, and $24.99 a can. Here’s the stock-up event of the year for Sir Walter Raleigh fans.
    Shop Now
    This offer will expire on March 12th, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST. 
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  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited March 2023
    IMHO, no pipe smoker's cellar would be complete without at least 1 or 2 of the "old codger" blends...
  • It's been a while since I have had any, but I don't mind Amphora original blend.  I have always thought they make a decent drug store tobacco.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited March 2023
    That used to be one of my "go-tos" in college...
  • I think I am most partial to SWR Aromatic.  Unless CB Original, Dark, or Royal count as OCB’s. I was surprised to find out that Prince Albert (in the can) did not impress me.  I am going to have to give him another shake.    (That don’t sound right).  I liked Half & Half, Velvet, and SWR much better.  I have not tried Carter Hall or Granger yet.
  • I’d venture that Carter Hall is excellent by itself, or as a blend-in. 
  • Codger and OTC REVIEWS; lots of ‘em. Enjoy!
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Anyone else remember Brindley’s Mixture. It was one of my first tobaccos, back in the mid-1960s. Have not thought about it until now. I remember it being different from its contemporary blends.

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Sorry to say no.
    Back in the 60s, I was pretty limited to a local drug store located one block off campus. They were mostly "old codger" blends, but at least they had Flying Dutchman...🙂
  • @motie2
    I recall the name but don't remember ever smoking it.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Thanks, guys…..
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