OTC, Codger or Gas station blends

in Tobacco Talk
While many equate OTC (over the counter) with Codger blends, I believe there is a difference. To me, OTCs are blends that you can buy at some drugstores or local retailers today and include the likes of Capt. Black, Prince Albert, Borkum Riff, among others.
Then you have the old Codger blends which may also include the OTCs but are also blends that have been around for more than 40-50 years and are still available from on-line retailers. I'm thinking tobacco like Carter Hall, Amphora, Paladin, and Velvet (as well as the OTCs I mentioned). The connection between the two are all of them have been sold over-the-counter at one time.
Then you have the cheap gas station "pipe" tobacco which in many cases are just Roll Your Own cigarette tobacco masquerading as pipe tobacco to beat the taxes. You can usually find these in small gas stations or tobacco/beer stores. I know a couple of cigarette smokers who buy the 1 lb. bag and either roll their own or actually smoke it in a pipe and inhale.
How do you categorize these tobaccos?
Then you have the old Codger blends which may also include the OTCs but are also blends that have been around for more than 40-50 years and are still available from on-line retailers. I'm thinking tobacco like Carter Hall, Amphora, Paladin, and Velvet (as well as the OTCs I mentioned). The connection between the two are all of them have been sold over-the-counter at one time.
Then you have the cheap gas station "pipe" tobacco which in many cases are just Roll Your Own cigarette tobacco masquerading as pipe tobacco to beat the taxes. You can usually find these in small gas stations or tobacco/beer stores. I know a couple of cigarette smokers who buy the 1 lb. bag and either roll their own or actually smoke it in a pipe and inhale.
How do you categorize these tobaccos?
I totally agree with your analysis. I honestly never got into "pigeonholing" tobacco this way, but it is what everyone else does so I suppose we must follow convention. I, like everyone else just like what I like.
Even putting certain tobaccos in certain categories, I do not personally shy away from those labeled as OTC's or "Codgers Blends". Some of these blends as we know have been around for a long, long time. And there is a reason for that.....some of them are excellent smokes. Just last evening I ordered tubs of Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic, and Half and Half. These tubs will sit on a shelf in my office that already include Carter Hall, Prince Albert, and Lane Ready Rubbed. They are nostalgic and I love to smoke them all on occasion. I also ordered some Amphora Full Aroma which is back. Next will be some velvet and Granger for my cellar / collection.
I just love me some older blends. They make this old sailor happy.
Grumpy Old Guy.
founding member membership in the
I'm a member, too!
I have been stocking up on "OTC" blends, both for my cellar and my daily use when the mood hits me. I have full tins (unopened) of Carter Hall, Prince Albert, Lane Ready Rubbed, Half and Half, and Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic. Next I am going to order tins of Granger and Velvet. The tins sit on a shelf in my office as sort of a decoration whereas my jarred blends and small tins live in a dark conditioned closet in my office. Of course my pipes are always on display for no other reason than to make me happy.
I had never had H&H or Velvet. I'd gladly smoke H&H again. Of the others,Prince Al is probably my favorite.
As it is, I smoke a fair amount of Lane Readty Rubbed.
Fun fact, the DC Comics character Hawkman's name is Carter Hall, and I think I remember reading that he was named after the pipe tobacco.
That the name Carter Hall is from the pipe tobacco is a widely shared legend/theory amongst Hawkman fans, but there are very few hits when searching for <<Hawkman Carter Hall pipe tobacco>>. Oh, Google returns many hits, but none mention a connection between Hawkman and pipe tobacco. So: neither confirmed nor denied.
Finally off today and had the opportunity to try the Amphora Full Aroma. It has probably been over 40 years ago that I smoked it last. I was amazed at how I immediately recognized the "pouch" note. I am aware that the sense of smell is one of the strongest senses, but that still gave me a chilling sense of deja vu. The tobacco cut is longer than those that I typically smoke and as such was slightly more difficult to load into the pipe without "irish pennants" sticking up. I smoked this in a filtered briar pipe that always performs well for me. Sitting in the sun enjoying a beautiful day overall the smoke was OK, but didn't have the wow factor that I look for (I am hard to please), The first half of the bowl was a little "bitey (and I am a slow smoker) and the taste was recognizable to me from years ago, nothing to shout about however. The second half calmed down quite a bit with the "bitey" issue almost disappearing. The second half also tasted very good. It had a tobacco flavor underwhelmed by the liquor casing, which I could not identify accurately. The entire experience lasted about 1 hour to which I am not regretful at all. If I had to pick out a similar taste and "porch" note I would compare it to Borkum Riff. So I have yet several more ounces of yet another blend in my collection, which even if I don't smoke it often at least makes me happy to see my cellar grow. Since I am 3/4 Irish and 1/4 German, I think the German in me likes the neatly stacked and labeled Mason Jars standing at attention waiting to do battle with fire.
@motie2 You're not thinking about me when smoking are you? That might be enough to put anyone off.
All I know is I sure hope I don't develop an aversion to the man aromatic blends I've stockpiled or I'm in real trouble.
Barbados Plantation
Exactly, I think the people who would have you believe they're actually bad and somehow inferior, either haven't tried them or are a little snobbish. I've met a guy who said he'd only buy "freshly blended tobacco" from his local shop, at the same time he insinuated that tin tobaccos aren't as good as ones being "freshly blended". A poncy character who prided himself on not being "mainstream", but it came off as more he didn't like things that were popular because, and I kid you not he said "I don't like things that too many people already like." It's like saying the only place to get good coffee is Starbucks, there are plenty of other places that make a good cup of coffee. Then again it is all about taste, there are some of these types of tobaccos I don't care for such as some Captain Black flavors, but that's just me, people shouldn't automatically disregard them simply because they're sold outside of a tobacconist shop. .
I'd call your attention also to Bradley's review of Carter Hall on YouTube.