I've recently been down a Sherlock Holmes "rabbit hole." Here are some of the results: (My mother, of blessed memory, told me to share)
A lot of pipe smoking and dialogue: Watson asks to have some tobacco from Simpson's jar, but after smelling it refuses it. Holmes sniffs and comments "Havana and rum flavoring. " Watson turns his nose up at Holmes' tobacco. Holmes responds that strong tobacco helps you stay awake. And then there's a nice shot of Holmes filling his Peterson from the legendary Persian slipper tobacco pouch.
On to other things:
Two odd portrayals of Sherlock: First, Leonard Nimoy Now, Data the Star Trek android
I'm a big horror film fan and recently watched a pair of films from Hammer Studios: "The Reptile" and ""Plague Of Zombies". The movies were supposedly filmed back-to-back in the same town, with much of the same cast used in both films. The setting was a beautiful little Cornish town that looked like a photograph in a storybook. Having watched the films together it was kind of funny seeing the same stone bridge, same cemetery, same shops, and same pub in two different films. As is the case in most films of this sort the pub is where the local men congregated. And in both films nearly every patron in the pub was smoking a pipe. The majority of those smoking a pipe in "Plague Of Zombies" (actually ever man in the pub) were smoking clay pipes, whereas "The Reptile" had a combination of both clay and briar. While "The Reptile" may have had one or two men that didn't appear to be smoking, "Plague Of Zombies" was the first time I watched a movie when every single patron in the pub had a pipe in their mouth.
Found a flic on Amazon Prime -- The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes -- in which Dr. Watson is played by Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond, while Arthur Wontner plays Holmes. The movie is based on "Valley of Fear."
While i love Gandalf, i find myself looking to Aragorns character more and more. He’s a pipe smoker through and through.
Throughout the LOTR series, Aragorn upholds virtue, shows great bravery, and remains humble. While he is of the Dunedine, he is still completely man, and through mental and physical trials stays the course. A near perfect balance of gentleness and firm. A pipe smoker to look up to no doubt.
I just watched an anime about memory and loss..... everything is set in motion when an old man drops and loses his favorite pipe. There are none in his collection that will take the place of the lost one. Tsumiki no Ie (The House of Small Cubes) is a Japanese animation short film created by Kunio Katō in 2008. It won the Oscar award for best animated short in 2009.
Having nothing else I can do but sit and watch TV or read, I stumbled upon a better than three hour Sherlock Holmes movie in three parts called Incident at Victoria Falls, a 1992 sequel to Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady. I'm a Basil Rathbone mark, myself, but Holmes here was played by Christopehr Lee, with Watson played by Patrick Macnee ("John Steed" from the old Avengers TV show - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0054518/ -- Not Marvel's Avengers!) Throughout, Holmes smokes what appears to be a bent Meerschaum. He is portrayed as both a holder and a clencher. Interesting side notes: Watson (not Holmes) is portrayed as being Roman Catholic; a character killed during the movie is buried with a tombstone engraved died in 1912, although the story holds that Edward VII was supposed to be King at that time. He was not, having died in 1910. (This being a British Production, I cannot understand this glaring error. Can someone help with this?) Also British racism is portrayed throughout.
As the air becomes colder, I think of Santa. I always wonder what he packed his pipe with and why he does not get in trouble for smoking in the house. I guess it is an aromatic blend with a pleasant room note.
@Michael308 Love that show. In Season 1 Episode 4, DIThursday gets in the car after leaving the tobacconist. He's a little put off and says, "All out of Navy Cut...had to make due with ribbon." Those are screen writers paying attention to details.
@PappyJoe Awesome Santa Pappy👍🏻 I’m sure you will improve many children’s Christmas wishes, and adults too. That news clip made my day. Thanks PappyJoe🎄
Here's a fun one...my older boys have been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and texted me the following screen shots/comments. "Hey Dad. The doctor in RDR2 smokes a pipe. Stops and gives a TB shot. Goes back to smoking a pipe. Reminds me of you..."
A lot of pipe smoking and dialogue: Watson asks to have some tobacco from Simpson's jar, but after smelling it refuses it. Holmes sniffs and comments "Havana and rum flavoring. " Watson turns his nose up at Holmes' tobacco. Holmes responds that strong tobacco helps you stay awake. And then there's a nice shot of Holmes filling his Peterson from the legendary Persian slipper tobacco pouch.
On to other things:
Two odd portrayals of Sherlock:
First, Leonard Nimoy
Now, Data the Star Trek android
Like Jeremy Brett as Holmes? Enjoy "Pipe Battle" --
An interesting Sherlockian website: http://www.sherlockian-sherlock.com/sherlock-holmes-pipe.php
Throughout the LOTR series, Aragorn upholds virtue, shows great bravery, and remains humble. While he is of the Dunedine, he is still completely man, and through mental and physical trials stays the course. A near perfect balance of gentleness and firm. A pipe smoker to look up to no doubt.
Tsumiki no Ie (The House of Small Cubes) is a Japanese animation short film created by Kunio Katō in 2008. It won the Oscar award for best animated short in 2009.
See it at
I always wonder what he packed his pipe with and why he does not get in trouble for smoking in the house. I guess it is an aromatic blend with a pleasant room note.
<<Santa Clause has a red suit
He's a communist
And a beard, and long hair
Must be a pacifist
What's in the pipe that he's smoking?>>
~ Thank you, Arlo Guthrie
And yes, he spelled it "Clause"
DI Fred Thursday from Endeavor series
Love that show. In Season 1 Episode 4, DIThursday gets in the car after leaving the tobacconist. He's a little put off and says, "All out of Navy Cut...had to make due with ribbon." Those are screen writers paying attention to details.
Just wish i could smoke my pipe while watching
Awesome Santa Pappy👍🏻
I’m sure you will improve many children’s Christmas wishes, and adults too. That news clip made my day.
Thanks PappyJoe🎄
"Hey Dad. The doctor in RDR2 smokes a pipe. Stops and gives a TB shot. Goes back to smoking a pipe. Reminds me of you..."