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At the risk of sounding sexist



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    motie2motie2 Master
    Should have posted this here to begin with.... apologies.

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    "Boy the way Glen Miller played...."

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    @motie2, I can't help but think, that if a woman possessed all the qualities listed, she would leave 99% of the other females today in the dust.

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    Funny how all those women in the old advertisements seem to be turned on by guys with smoking pipes, considering a majority of us pipe smokers find ourselves smoking outdoors or in the garage because our wives don't want us stinking up the house. I'm going to have to make copies of all those ads and place them throughout the house for my wife to find. Apparently she didn't get the same memo as those ladies from the 50s' & 60s'.  
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    It wasn't that the girls didn't mind, it's just that before "women's lib" the man of the house was the last word and if he wanted to smoke a pipe inside...so be it.  Does that sound sexist?  It's good to be the king :)
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    As I recall, most of the OTC tobaccos of old, back when women "loved the smell," were either Burley blends, often with Virginia or Bright tobacco, or aromatic Burley blends, and later, Scandinavian cavendish blends.

    Consider: Sir Walter Raleigh comes in Burley and Burley aromatic. Half and Half is half Burley and half Virginia. Scandinavia steam rolled in as Sail, Amphora, Borkum Riff, and something I remember as Klompen Kloggen ["Please...may I sniff your Klompen Kloggen?"]

    Put another way, what -- for many -- makes pipe smoking worthwhile is the spiciness added by Latakia and/or Perique, neither of which is -- admit it -- particularly fragrant in a woman pleasing sense. 
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    @ghostsofpompeii -- I believe it is a generational thing. at least it seems to be in the Philadelphia region.  Most of the today's women absolutely do not tolerate smoking of any kind in their homes.  Those who tolerate cigar or pipe smoking, do not want it in the home.  Overall, there are seem to be very few women who will tolerate smoking at all. 

    However,  older women tend to like the aroma of pipe tobacco in the air.  When I visit my aunts and uncles (most of which are in their late 80s and early 90s) as well as some of my cousins (in their 50s and 60s) seem to enjoy the aroma of a pipe tobacco.  I have been told several times by them to feel free to smoke when I am over because it brings back fond memories of days gone by and they so look forward to the aroma of a pipe filled room.

    Most of the younger folks do not like the aroma of pipe tobacco and feel offended if one is smoking a cigar or pipe near them, even though it may be out doors in a park or even at the beach.  Seems to me that today's "health minded" folks are offended easily by nearly everything that was one acceptable.  My younger cousins (ranging from their 20s to their early 40s) find smoking a very disgusting habit and the "odor" left behind is "so gross" that it doesn't make any sense why anyone would smoke.  Of course, some of them find cigarettes acceptable "because it doesn't smell as bad." 

    I miss the old days, the days of an era long past and not likely to return in my lifetime.  Funny, I have often felt that I was born out of my time era.
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    Sure they're at https://thispipelife.com/tpl-article/32/ but these old sexist pipe slogans are worth repeating here.....

    He’s YOUR man, give him the BEST. PHILLIP MORRIS presents the pipe tobaccos HE CAN INHALE! -  Revelation and Bond Street

    I LOVE HIM when he smokes a KAYWOODIE – for peace of mind smoke a KAYWOODIE!

    He scores high … he’s got P.A.* PA* means PIPE APPEAL and PRINCE ALBERT – THE NATIONAL JOY SMOKE!

    m-m-m-m-m-m-m somebody’s smoking HALF AND HALF …confidential: FOR MARRIED MEN ONLY – your better half will love the aroma of HALF AND HALF – A CARGO OF CONTENTMENT IN THE BOWL OF ANY PIPE! -The SAFE Pipe Tobacco- HALF AND HALF makes ONE SWELL SMOKE!

    How do YOU spell ecconomy – economy – econnomy? As a pipe smoker you spell it carefully and slowly – T-H-R-E-E  N-U-N-S. Cunningly cut, each ounce lasts longer, saves you money. Not without good reason has it been called ‘THE TOBACCO OF CURIOUS CUT’ … Three Nuns Original – THE VICAR’S CHOICE!

    LEAD WOMEN AROUND BY THE NOSE! – Flying Dutchman

    Heh-heh...... "THE VICAR'S CHOICE" ...... <snarky>
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    @Charles I've felt like I was born out of my time all the time. I'm just not quite sure what time it is that I should have been born into. I love those old Sherlock Holmes and Jack The Ripper movies that take place during the Victorian era - with the horse and carriage, and gas-fired streetlamps... but chances are I'd be one of those homeless vagrants living on the streets and not the stylish gentleman living in a gentleman's quarters like Sherlock Holmes.
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    I too enjoy stories set in the time of horse drawn carriages and steam trains. There's a mood to that era that's captivating.

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    I do believe us boys need some time together and burning a bowl is a great way to do that. I also like to jam with my friends and have some bourbon while we make music. Its just what we do. Women need their time together and they do it differently, and that's ok. We don't have to classify things we do because of our sex. We just do things that we like with whom we like to do it with. 
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