PhilosoPiper Connoisseur
Re: Looking For Something To Read During The Halloween Season?
During the month of December I like to break out my collection of Edgar Allen Poe short stories and read through them. The season just does not seem complete without a once over of A Tell Tale Heart. (View Post) -
Recent Trip To Ireland!
Greetings all! My wife and I have just returned from our two week vacation to Ireland. We covered almost all of the Republic of Ireland, Dublin, Limerick, Killarney, Ennis, Galway, and back to Dublin… (View Post) -
Re: Dogs of the pipe world
This Is my pipe smoking buddy Pascal, my wife and I bought him when he was 8 weeks old, he will be 3 in July. His favorite activities are sleeping, farting, sitting on the porch with me where I smoke… (View Post) -
Happy IPSD to you all! I plan on enjoying some Esoterica Stonehaven in my early 1920's Dunhill Dead Root at the Briar Shoppe here in Houston. Might as well imbibe on the finer things of the pipe worl… (View Post) -
Re: The Daily Briar Photoshoot - Show Us Your Pipes And Be Creative
These are a couple of pipes I picked up over the Holidays the two army mounts are Loewe's the hallmarks on the prince place the pipe at being made in 1905 and the billiard at 1907. The Amber Stem pip… (View Post)