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Two Emails I Received This Morning


  • motie2motie2 Master
    The pipe tobacco business becomes a dystopian wasteland…..
  • Zouave1864Zouave1864 Master
    edited January 3
    @PappyJoe thanks for sharing 
  • @motie2
    I would concur.
    I would change to dysfunctional dystopian wasteland though.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    At 78 and ailing, I have more tobacco than I’ll be able to smoke in what’s left of my lifetime. Thus, STG et. al. are henceforth exiled to the Island of Irrelevancy. 
  • @motie2
    Your last post is not one I can Like or Dislike. 
    Many of us are getting older and have more tobacco on hand than we can smoke. That is the sad truth on our mortality.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Tnx for the update. Although I understand that as a business you have to do what you have to do, it doesn't mean we have to like it.
    I, like @motie2 , have more tobacco than my life will probably allow me to get through.
    But I do feel disappointment for those younger than myself that have many more years of pipe smoking to look forward to. 
    My only advice to them is to, "fill their cellars"...
    On the flip side, it does make me feel both grateful and fortunate to have over 50 years of being able to experience such a wide variety of blends.
  • I sat down yesterday and updated my cellar inventory. If I never bought another tin or ounce of bulk tobacco, I probably have enough for seven or eight years, maybe more.
    That being said, here's what I found I have on hand of unopened tin tobaccos. It doesn't include what I currently have opened or what I have in jars.

    I have 80 unopened tins of tobacco. There are a total of 63 different blends as I have multiple tins of 10 blends. (This is the result of my habit of buying two tins of a new blend, smoke one and cellaring the other.)

    I was surprised to find out how few of what I have are blends affected by the decimation of MacBaren and Sutliff. I have one tin of MacBaren Black Ambrosia. I have four tins of Sutliff branded blends. I have 5 tins of Seattle Pipe Club Blends. 

    I guess my point is, I'm not going to really miss the MacBaren and Sutliff blends that are disappearing. I will miss Seattle Pipe Club blends if they don't find a new company to do the manufacturing. Note: I went online last night and ordered four ounces of Plum Pudding Special Reserve and two ounces of Plum Pudding Barrel Aged.)
  • I probably have a couple hundred different tobaccos.  I have maybe three? that are Sutliff, one of those is “Mixture 79”, and less than ten Mac Baren most of those are limited editions.  I have a tin of SPC “Deception Pass”, maybe one other?  I didn’t plan on getting any more “Deception Pass”….ahh….I’ll pass on “Deception Pass”🙂
  • @PappyJoe correction...
    All of us are getting older 😉

    ... and none of us are getting out of here alive! 😯
  • @Londy3

    Youth is wasted on the young.
  • I turned 72 today.
    I got a new president - and I don't care whether you like him or not, he is our President. Keep your comments to yourself.

    I have also been given extremely cold weather for south Louisiana and we are expecting from 4 to 8-inches of snow starting later tonight. 
    The cold and snow doesn't bother me
  • daveinlaxdaveinlax Connoisseur
    “Keep your comments to yourself.”

    LoL!! Your dear leader may have emboldened you but you’re definitely in the wrong place if you don’t want comments! 
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    edited January 23
    Your liberalness has caused you to misinterpret my comment.

    My comment about him being our President is just a statement of fact. President Trump is the President of the entire nation inclusive of everyone. 
    It is your right as an American citizen to not like the duly elected by a majority President. (Allow me to assume that you don't like him because you are "in LAX".)
    I will also admit that you may interpret the First Amendment as giving you to right to comment how you want. (Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.) 

    However, I am not Congress nor the U.S. Government. I also know that the right of free speech is not absolute. Courts have ruled that a person cannot go into a crowded theater and yell "FIRE" when there is not a fire. And, as a Dean of Journalism once said in a lecture, "The right to free speech does not protect a journalist from being fired if his publisher doesn't like what he says." 

    Anyway, you have the right to make any comment you want. I have the right to not want to hear or read your comment. 

    As for me being in the wrong place, I am an avid contributor to discussions on this forum. I don't just occasionally pop in to make a snide remark or promote a pipe show. 

    Edit: You are correct though. A forum is not the place to be if I don't want comments. 
  • By the way, Happy Birthday @PappyJoe, I think I just let it slide by….my apologies sir.  I hope it was a great day!

  • I did an inventory of my pipe tobacco stock, and like you @PappyJoe I have enough to last a lifetime. I sure am glad I over-reacted a few years ago and bought up as much as I did. Hopefully, with it all being aromatic blends they still retain most of their flavor after all these years. It will be good to get back to smoking the pipe again - I sure missed it.
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    edited February 20
    Most of what I have in stock are aromatics and I've found that when I open a "new" factory sealed tin, it is still fresh and moist. It's only when it sits around after I've opened it do I notice a difference. 

    I do have a number of blends that I can't remember why I bought them because they are ones I don't typically smoke. That being said, I recently opened to tins that I purchased seven years ago and was surprised by how much I enjoyed them. 
  • One email I received this morning…..

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