Ok, Let's talk pipe tobacco(s).
in Tobacco Talk
Hello Pipe and Tobacco Aficionados, hope all is well out there. I recently obtained some tobacco that has caused me to pause in the (lite it up) dept. I received a tin of "CORNELL & DIEHL'S CROONER" pipe tobacco. If you are not familier with this pipe tobacco blend it also has what is called, "deer tongue" added in the blend. As I researched I read where deer tongue use to be used quite often as an ingredient when blending tobaccos in the past and not so much in today's tobacco blending. It was stated that this ingredient was known to be unsafe and out lawed for use. In another article it stated that it can be used in tobacco but not as an ingredient for food consumption. With this I have pumped my breaks and slowed down for a moment in order to hear some responses from the (TPL) family/community. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Remember, smoke what you like and like what you smoke, take a little time to contemplate. Be safe out there and I thank you.
The compound in deer tongue that causes the problem is coumarin. Coumarin is an ingredient used in anti-coagulants such as Warfarin. Ingesting Coumarin while on Warfarin can cause adverse effects.
That being said, coumarin is naturally found in a number of plants including tonka bean, cassia (bastard cinnamon or Chinese cinnamon), cinnamon, melilot (sweet clover), green tea, peppermint, celery, bilberry, lavender, honey (derived both from sweet clover and lavender), and carrots, as well as in beer, tobacco, wine, and other foodstuffs. From my understanding of this, the problem isn't so much as consuming it but the amount that is consumed.
Also, smoking something containing coumarin is not the same as consuming it. That is why it can be added to pipe tobacco.
Read the publication from the link below for more information.
Interestingly, the original London Dock didn't contain deer tongue but had rose essence instead. The rose essences went out of favor because pipe smokers didn't like it. That is sort of a strange tale since many Lakeland blends contain rose essence.
I have also smoked Crooner and Gentleman Caller. Both are good blends and one of these days I may purchase more.
Check out https://pappyjoesblog.com/tie-up-to-london-dock/
Unless you believe in reincarnation, once the tape lock snaps, no “do-overs” where you get to pull the tape back out. Here on earth in this life anyway.
P.S. Keep your tape measure clean🙂
Why Are We Told That Smoking Is So Bad For Us?
Because smoking cigarettes is. It harms almost every organ in your body. It causes 20% of all deaths in the united states annually. Cigarettes often contain poisons such as acetone, ammonia, arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, tar and more. Most studies on smoking that indicate how bad it is for you tend to group cigarette smoking which is full of these poisons with pipe smoking which contains none of these poisons. The chart below shows how likely a cigarette, cigar or pipe smoker is to develop lung cancer compared to a non-smoker.
· Non-smoker 1.0 (base number)
· Cigarette – 20 grams / day 16.0 (i.e. 16 x the risk of non-smokers)
· Cigar – 20 grams / day 3.2
· Pipe – if > 10 bowls per day 6.7
· Pipe – if 5 bowls per day 3.2
· Pipe – if 3 bowls per day 1.5
· Pipe – if 2 bowls per day 1.26
· typical – 2 bowls every 2-3 days ~1.05 (almost same as non-smoker)
Data taken from www.seattlepipeclub.org
Thank you for posting that.
Very interesting.
<< Pipe smoking can be a relaxing activity that can help with stress, anxiety, and problem solving. The nicotine in pipe tobacco can help calm emotions and the deceleration required to smoke can help achieve relaxation. Smoking also releases endorphins, which are natural opioids that can make you feel relaxed and pleasant >>
<<While smoking a pipe can be a pleasurable experience for some individuals, it's essential to note that there are various health risks associated with smoking any tobacco product. However, from a historical and cultural perspective, some people may find certain aspects of pipe smoking appealing. Here are some potential benefits or pros that some individuals may associate with smoking a pipe:
It's important to emphasize that these perceived benefits are subjective and may not outweigh the well-documented health risks associated with smoking. >>
Pipe enthusiasts who read reviews of tobaccos are likely to recognize the handle JimInks. In the nine years he's been actively reviewing, JimInks has reviewed more than 2700 tobaccos, and he not only writes reviews, but revises them if the blend itself is modified or he has new insights, sharing these reviews on multiple pipe forums and on tobaccoreviews.com.