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Best Pipe Recommended

Hello Pipe and Tobacco Aficionados, I hope all is well. I wanted to ask the experts this question, what style/shape of tobacco pipe is best to smoke 'burley" tobacco in. I what to see if there is a common recommendation or suggestion from the pro's out there. On standby and remember, smoke what you like and like what you smoke, take a little time to contemplate. Be safe out there.                      


  • No expert here, I just smoke whatever tobacco in whatever pipe.  Except any tobacco with even a hint of Latakia in it.  If I decide to smoke the evil weed, (I always keep trying to find what draws some people to it), it goes in an inexpensive cob so I can cast the possessed demon in the fire afterwards if need be….and believe me…it need be😬
  • As a big burley fan I haven't found the "one" yet. It has been my experience in other places discussing pipes that big bowls like the one you might find in a savinelli 320KS for instance, seem to be favored for darker more robust tobaccos whatever that means while a tall slim bowl that you might find say in a poker style pipe tends to be touted as best for virginias. Maybe this will provide you some guidance. I have mostly moderate bowl pipes and i have a good time regardless. 
  • @Whoispra;
    I like the big bowls because I can smoke them longer. Being retired, I have that luxury.
  • Thank each and everyone of you for the responses, I think It’s becoming clear. :-).  
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