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Pipe Smoking and Spitting

Tobacco tends to make me spit.  Clint Eastwood would concur.  How do you handle that?  Outside I can use the ground.  Inside?  A spitoon?


  • vtgrad2003vtgrad2003 Master
    edited January 2023
    I always smoke outside where the only thing I have to worry about is spitting on one of my cats. 
  • @mfresa
    @Londy3 is a prime example of what to do while smoking a pipe. IMHO, I think you'll find the tendency to spit will all but leave if you sip on a beverage while doing a bowl...
    Of course, what's true for some doesn't necessarily equate to being true for all...
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited January 2023
    Although @Londy3 will probably say it HAS to be alcohol,  it doesn't...😏
    Although seriously I have found that carbonated drinks, for some reason, don't do well while while doing a bowl. I'm sure there's some reason, but for the life of me, I don't know what it could be.🤔
  • Tea hot or cold works for me too. It doesn't always have to be alcohol but I do enjoy happy hour 😂
  • I used to have to spit occasionally when smoking pipe or cigar.  I kept a small stainless steel camping mug to hock loogies in while smoking my pipe indoors.  I don’t smoke cigars in the house.  When outside, I just hocked them anywhere I pleased🤢
    Damn, I can’t stop laughing😂😂, why does that make me giddy, just thinking about how that might make some of you out there uurpy.  I really don’t just “hock them anywhere”😬. I try to keep things safe, I don’t want anyone slipping on one😂😂
    Anyway, I don’t need to spit anymore.  Someone mentioned that “softie bits” made them drool…yep, that was part of it for me…I don’t use them anymore (Good thing I bought a hundred plus….NOT!).  Also, since my pipe smoking understanding has advanced (I guess), I notice I get tongue bite rarely if ever, and if I do, it’s very minor.  Since whatever? has changed, I have not had a problem with “loogie build-up”….win-win🙂
  • I generally don't (need) to spit when smoking a pipe or a cigar though I will note when smoking a very high vitamin N cigar like the off-brand Cubens (which I hate), they tend to drive my salivary glands into overdrive.
    For those who would ask why would you smoke a cigar like that, well, if you are offered a (mystery) cigar you just don't know till its too late.
  • Thanks for the feedback guys.  I must have over-active salivary glands.   B)
  • I think the only time I've spit when pipe smoking is when I got down to the bottom of the bowl, relight the remaining dottle, then drew in a mouthful of hot embers.  
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