Let's Talk OTC Tobaccos/Best Of
in Tobacco Talk
I love the high end tobaccos as much as the next guy, but lets talk about the OTC stuff, the tobacco your father could run down to any store in town and grab. The pouch/tin your granddad always had in his shirt pocket ready for a pipe. Personally, I'm a codger burley man, and I would put Sir Walter just ahead of Carter Hall on the top of my OTC list. What's on top of your OTC list?
I wanted to try some of the old OTC's so I just ordered some Prince Albert and some Sir Walter Raleigh so i'll update after I've tried them. My next order will include Carter Hall and Velvet.
Where OTC blends turn me off is in the toppings/casings. A lot (not all) of them have a lingering, chemical flavor that I find very offensive. It reminds me of those hand grenade "juices" or cheap icee pops I had as a kid. They tasted like chemicals. That same chemical flavor is present in some of the OTC, while in some others it is overwhelming.
I'm always willing to try an OTC, and I agree with @pappyjoe that only an idiot won't give something a try that has been enjoyed for so long by so many people. If I try it and it has that chemical taste, which says nothing about the tobacco base and everything about cheap, terrible topping/casing options, I will throw it away and never look back.
I'm a big fan of Prince Albert and Captain Black Original. Have some Half and Half I've been meaning to try as well. Been searching for anyone that has any of the HoW Country Doctor, Field and Stream, and Sugar Barrel squirreled away to no avail. I want to try Granger but I can't commit to a full tub and finding someone willing to part with a few ounces has been difficult. I've heard nothing but good things about LRR so I might have to pick some of that up soon.
I've enjoyed Edgeworth Ready Rubbed for a long time, I've seen the good comments about LRR as well and I'm waiting for someone to do a review on it.