Happy New Year
in General
What is your pipe dream (resolution) for 2019? Any new tobacco's or blends you would like to end the year or start the next with?
May 2019 be a year of happiness and health for all our members and their loved ones.
As for me, I'm working through my manifesto for 2019.
Pipe dream: We have a pipe night every few months, but I think I'm going to start a regular pipe club in 2019.
(Oh yeah, and be a better person and all that crap.)
I am on the lookout for a birth year Dunhill also🙂 The 1927 I have is my fathers birth year. I also have an Allen & Wright Ltd. with a silver hallmark for 1920, my grandmothers birth year on my mom’s side.
Wishing Everyone a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.
I too do not make resolutions. I can only say 2018 was the source of great stress, worry and sadness for me, particularly during the entire fourth quarter of the year, and yet I start 2019 with a new job and a fair amount of optimism that it will be a better year than 2018.