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Paranormal Investigating....

Anyone here go ghost hunting or Paranormal investigating?


  • No. My ghosts are afraid of my pipes.
  • LOL  I hear that.  I smoke Cigars if I am out on an investigation, pipes are for lounge and home.
  • drac2485drac2485 Professor
    Not on purpose but I do end up on quite a few civil war battle fields due to the re-enacting I do.
  • mhajecmhajec Enthusiast
    When I was a young lady in Connecticut, my father was good friends with Ed and Lorraine Warren. We went on bunches of tours of areas that were haunted and spent a lot of time at their creepy collectibles home (a part of their house that was totally over flowing with things that they had gotten from different cases across the world, very odd to a 7 year old). It was fun though, and very memorable. Now a days though, I must admit, I do not get spooked easily nor do I put much stock in hauntings.
  • mhajecmhajec Enthusiast
    Lad not lady, LOL
  • I try to avoid ghosts in my pipes and in real life. 
  • Battle fields are full of spirits, they did not get the peace they needed, most war and battle field deaths have spirits that will keep roaming the Earth.
    Homes that have Items from different times and places are prime spots for haunting, if items were taken from  people that died UN-peaceful deaths, murdered or painfully then they seam to attach to items and locations.  A house full of them items can get VERY interesting.
    OK Unless your pipes came from dead people that were attached to them pipes I think your OK.  LOL  Although you might attach yourself to them pipes!  
    I know I have a car that I think the previous owner is attached to, the woman that sold it to me was sad to let it go but in other ways I think she was happy, I got it for a lot less than the value!  1959 T-Bird in great shape with new interior, paint and rebuilt original engine! I am OK if he wants to stick around, gives me that much more reason to keep the car in the best shape!  lol
    Glad a few of you like this subject, maybe we can keep it growing.
  • Topaz75Topaz75 Professor
    I can state from experience that most old British sports cars are haunted. They will often emit strange unexplained noises, the lights sometimes flicker on and off for no apparent reason, and if you drive one at night with the hood down you may feel a sudden blast of cold air on the back of your neck.
  • I have a pipe that was my grandfather's when he died of natural causes in 1978. I still smoke it occasionally but it's not haunted. 
  • Glad it's not haunted @pappyjoe!
  • LOL  British cars are crazy anyway....
    PappyJoe, he is happy your smoking it, if you didn't he might be haunting you!  LMAO 
    Anyway I have one location I take skeptics, after one night in this place the either believe or just won't talk about it or ghosts anymore.  It is a very active place.
    I do have some old pipes but so far nothing bad has happened, I think Pipe smokers are very peaceful and that might have a lot to do with it....I bet if someone smoked marijuana out of an old pipe that someone was attached to things would be different, I know I would be upset! 

  • If your ever on facebook and want to talk about Paranormal then look me up. 

  • Anyone else into the Paranormal or Ghost hunting?
  • Investigating in Northern Kentucky next weekend!
  • I'm pretty much a rationalist. I don't believe in ghosts, the paranormal, the supernatural, any of that.
    That being said - there is much we do not understand about the human mind and subconscious. I will admit I can "feel" things in some historic sites - but it's because I know what happened there, and that affects me. If you took someone there who had no idea what had happened there, and could not find out, I would be very surprised if they had similar feelings.
  • @judanhispipe We have taken people places and not told them any history and they felt things and saw things, a couple people said they heard things and we verified what they said they heard with Audio devices that picked up the things and voices they heard.
    I respect you not believing, we like to take non believers to locations all the time, it actually helps our investigations.

  • Fun post here, come on in and get your feet wet.....LOL
  • Anyone wanting to go on an investigation with a team I am sure I can find one in your area, just let me know.
  • Ghost hunting this weekend
  • Well my team was out investigating a couple weeks ago, went well but I sure miss going out with them.
  • A couple of you have talked to me about ghost hunting and other Paranormal stuff, I have a team but thinking of quitting, was going to get someone to take over running it and go on days I felt good, helping clients when I could and going on open investigations every so often but I am always hurting now so really thinking about just closing down my team.....need to find a few good people to run it, if that happens I will keep it going but if not it might be best to close down all together and sell all my equipment. 
    Made a name for the team, we are known and registered National and Internationally along with belonging to several Paranormal Networks, hate to lose all that....but health is more important I guess! 
  • Hopefully you've collected enough info over the years to sit back, relax, and write a book on your investigations..

  • Thought I'd transfer this message from a different discussion to this one since it pertains to the subject matter.

    @Wolf41035 As a paranormal investigator can you explain to me why on TV Ghost Hunting shows they do all their investigating in pitch blackness with the lights turned off. Even when investigating a place where witnesses claim to have seen an apparition in great detail (right down to the period garb he or she might be wearing) walking down a stairway in clear view under normal lighting conditions? I'm a firm believer in the existence of ghosts and the paranormal ... but I can't understand why an investigator would opt to stumble around in darkness, using expensive night vision equipment that limits your vision to a tunnel vision perceptive when it's just as easy to turn on the lights and get an unobstructed 360 degree view of everything going on around you. This is what makes it so hard to take a majority of those TV shows serious, making even a believer like myself all the more skeptical. Noises in the dark could be much easier explained if the light is on and you can see exactly what just occurred. The suggestion of a perceived shadow in pitch darkness is a hard sell for the home viewer, and easily dismissed as a trick of the eye - or pure B.S. from a TV Ghost Hunter. But actually getting a clear glimpse that same apparition walking down the stairway as described by witnesses -  now that would make even the most jaded skeptic take note.    

  • LOL  I guess I could transfer my answers here. 
  • @Wolf41035 Can you give an example of either the first case - or the one case you investigated where you were really taken aback and realized ... "this is for real and pretty damn frightening!"
  • I have done a lot of investigations and it is rare to get anything so serious it scares you, I can say I have done a few were most people would freak out but I am fairly calm. I did how ever have one location that three teams were at and we had a young guy get possessed, it scared a lot of people, I stayed calm and two of us had to get the poor guy free. It all started with a guy from another team taunting, he was one of those that watched tv show and saw that Zack guy taunting and thought it was the cool thing to do. I have been back to that place several times, the spirit messes with people, pushes people and pulls hair but never has possessed anyone when I am with them. It is all how calm you are and how professional you act and respecting the spirits.
    I honestly have only heard of three pocessions because it is rare, team that say they see them all the time are either faking it or not investigating as a respectful professional....and then you have to wonder how much is still fake.
  • My Irish Mother in Law once told me "The Electric Light drove all the Ghosts away from her town. N

    Hanging around that town exposed me to a lot things that pretty well convinced me that "Something" is out there. 

  • @Woodsman Some lights can have effects on spirits but most of them have some kind of bad intentions, these new lights we have to use actually put out EMF which can do two things, can make some people feel sick or hallucinate and/or can give energy to spirits.  Some would think that is bad in both ways while us Paranormal people like EMF, we just don't like it with light bulbs! lol  LED also put out small amounts of EMF but the ones I have used put out less than the Spiral tube bulbs I have used.  I wish we could go back to incandescent bulbs! 

  • This is a serious stuff, there are many good people and minds studying this subject. If I may suggest, read some books by Allan Kardeck.
    Ghost or spirits are around us all the time, everywhere.
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