Rattrays Exotic Orange

in Tobacco Talk
So when I got home today about 1300 or so, I find in my email a message from Smoking Pipes notifying me of the Exotic Orange being back in stock as I had left a request to be notified.
I jumped right on that email. It showed it got to my inbox about 1115 or so, and by about 1330......gone. So the lesson I took from that is it does NOT pay to go to work. Damn.
I jumped right on that email. It showed it got to my inbox about 1115 or so, and by about 1330......gone. So the lesson I took from that is it does NOT pay to go to work. Damn.
That's alright Senior Chief......you deserve it. I wonder how many tins they had? They sure went pretty quickly.
I heard from Arango almost 2 weeks ago that Exotic Orange was on their shipping manifest but it hadn't arrived yet. I told the guys at my local B&M because I know they order from Arango and asked them to order me a couple of tins. If they get any in, I'll let you know.
Pappy, that would be wonderful......thank you.
Rattray's Exotic Orange is one of those blends that is generally out-of-stock 51 weeks during the year. It's produced for Rattray's by Kohlhase & Kopp in Denmark or Germany, and like all of the blends made by Kohlhase & Kopp it is a very high quality tobacco blend. It contains Black Cavendish, Burley and Virginia. According to tobaccoreviews.com
it is flavored with floral essences and fruit (citrus, mango, maple & orange).
I first found it in 2015 and liked it. Bought another tin in 2016 that I have been hoarding because it was supposedly not going to be available in the U.S. In Europe, the name was changed to Exotic Passion. I have never picked up the floral essences when I've smoked it. I find it to be sweet and citrusy when smoking and can identify the Virginia tobacco when smoking it. What room note I get, and from what I've been told by those around me, it is more honey and orange than anything else. Other people may get some of the different notes.
What I've smoked fresh needed to sit out and dry for 10 or 15 minutes before lighting. The tin it comes in is not sealed so it must be checked for moisture level and jarred quickly.
Some people who don't like it say it has a cloying aftertaste. I've never noticed it.
I hate conversations like this because it automatically triggers a 'call to action' response in me. And for some unknown reason I find myself prompted to purchase a tin of Exotic Orange as though my life depends upon it. It's a similar response that prompted me to stock my cellar with more tobacco than I'll be able to smoke in a lifetime after learning about the impending FDA Deeming Regulations. It's an apparent character flaw and knee-jerk reaction that leads me to believe (right or wrong) that someone is trying to keep me for having something. So I feel compelled to get it at any cost. Now I have no idea what Exotic Orange taste like, and until now had no desire to buy it. But once I learned how difficult it was to obtain it, and started looking around for it from different on-line tobacco retailers ... it's only then that I went into panic mode.
WHY? Because I'm an idiot!
Something similar happened when I discovered Dunhill was getting out of the tobacco business. For years I never tried "Early Morning Pipe", "Night Cap", or "Ye Ole Sign" and then suddenly I had this uncontrollable urge to get a couple of tins. Thankfully a couple of unwelcome 'nic hits' from tobacco I already own made me reconsider my desire for "Night Cap" and "Early Morning Pipe".
Must be some deep seeded emotional scar dating back to when my parents refused to buy me something I really wanted as a kid. Can't think of what that might have been. Maybe a pet dinosaur or time machine. I remember both items being high on my Christmas 'want list' that I never received. Guess I'll add a tin of the elusive Rattray's Exotic Orange to the list. All three are items I probably wouldn't really want once I got them.
When you figure out what that syndrome is, and what you can take for it, let me know because I have the same illness. I believe it is called "supply and demand", or perhaps more easily put "we got it but we limit it so you have to have it at almost any price".
I too never got a dinosaur or a time machine.
And thanks @motie2 for that confirmation concerning the two name question... And the link...
I've always gotten the orange, Passion Fruit and the Golden Virginia but never really picked up the Maple Syrup. In fact I've always thought it was honey.
These two tins are now in mason jars and sitting in the back of the "cellar." I am now smoking a bowl of my Exotic Orange from November 2016.
I am not sure what that is, but I will pray for you my friend......