Starter Kit
What do you think of this starter kit? I have a friend who smokes cigars. We were talking today and the subject of pipes came up. He said he has never tried smoking a pipe, but would like to try it. So, I made him this starter kit. I had everything on hand at the house and everything is new. I imagine that the whole kit cost me around $5 or $6. The lighter came from the Dollar Store, the Corn Cobb was from a bag of seconds, the pipe cleaners and tobacco was part of a special from P&C, and the tamper I got from eBay. Do you think this is a good starter set? Would you add or change anything?
He smokes more natural cigars. While talking he mentioned he was not into a lot of different flavors.
I recently made a kit for my 24 yo son. Mine included a Dr. Grabow Billiard ( an estate that I picked up for $5 and refurbed ) Some kitchen matches and a bic lighter. Pipe cleaners, a Czech pipe tool and a few baggies of about an ounce in each.
The tobacco I included was Carter Hall, Frog Morton, Lane Match MM965 & Sutliff Peach Cobler.
I included these tobaccos because I find em to be on the "lighter" side but with nice flavor.
I would suggest Carter Hall or Prince Albert for a beginner as both are smooth and will not bite. Personally, the first tobaccos I smoked were Borkum Riff Original and Capt. Black. Both of those are very light aromatics.
By natural cigars, I guessing you mean non-flavored cigars like the CAO Moontrance or Drew Estates Acid, or Java type cigars. I've smoked a lot of hand rolled cigars and they were all made from natural leaf tobaccos. Does he like Maduros? Connecticut Leaf? Honduran? etc. If you mean non-flavored then I would go with a burley based tobacco or an english blend that is very light on orientals.
You may be surprised, but there are a lot of cigar smokers I know who said they would never smoke an aromatic pipe tobacco when they started but have slowly all have become aro smokers.
He smokes Connecticut. Yes, on the non-flavored cigars. He smokes cheap Connecticut Dominican cigars. He told me pays less than a dollar a stick. He normally buys a bundle at a time from JR Cigars. I think I might offer to meet up with him and give him the chance to try some different tobacco that I have already opened. I gave him the stuff yesterday at church. I did not get a chance to really talk with him. I slipped him the bag right before the service started.