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Starter Kit

What do you think of this starter kit?   I have a friend who smokes cigars.  We were talking today and the subject of pipes came up.  He said he has never tried smoking a pipe, but would like to try it.  So, I made him this starter kit. I had everything on hand at the house and everything is new.  I imagine that the whole kit cost me around $5 or $6.  The lighter came from the Dollar Store, the Corn Cobb was from a bag of seconds, the pipe cleaners and tobacco was part of a special from P&C, and the tamper I got from eBay.  Do you think this is a good starter set?  Would you add or change anything?


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    @Hiker007 looks like a hood one for the begginer.
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    The only think I might change is the tobacco. Other than that, I think your assemblage is a great starter set.
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    Real nice gift. I think it's great. When you give the gift I'd suggest go through the process of the experience as well. That would also make for a good time. 
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    @motie2 What tobacco would you suggest for a beginner but cigar smoker?
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    I agree with @motie2 about a better tobacco. However, don't assume that just since he's a cigar smoker that he would want the same experience in a pipe. I smoke both and tend to prefer lighter, sweeter pipe tobaccos but medium to stout cigars. Does he smoke sweeter, cased cigars or more natural cigars?
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    It's the thought that counts and he should be happy to have a friend thoughtful enough to consider putting together a starter kit. I just picked up one of those lighters last week. Works pretty good but tough to light. Think they make it that way to keep little kids from using it. You have to push down pretty hard. First time I tried it I thought there was a safety catch somewhere that needed to be engaged before you can push down on the ignition. But it just proved to be a little stiff. The only other thing I'd add to a starter kit if I knew for a fact that a friend was serious about pipe smoking would be is a cheap tobacco pouch - but since you bought him pouched tobacco it more than adequate. No sense wasting additional money if he doesn't take to pipe smoking and ends up tossing everything into a desk drawer and forgetting about it. 
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    Linse, dudes, Linse.
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    Looks like a great kit to me,I would only echo what some of the other members said its nice to have a friend like you.
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    He smokes more natural cigars.  While talking he mentioned he was not into a lot of different flavors.  
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    Great kit.

    I recently made a kit for my 24 yo son.  Mine included a Dr. Grabow Billiard ( an estate that I picked up for $5 and refurbed )  Some kitchen matches and a bic lighter.  Pipe cleaners, a Czech pipe tool and a few baggies of about an ounce in each. 

    The tobacco I included was Carter Hall, Frog Morton, Lane Match MM965 & Sutliff Peach Cobler.

    I included these tobaccos because I find em to be on the "lighter" side but with nice flavor.

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    That appears to be a well thought out list.
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    @Hiker007 -- If he smokes more natural cigars then Virginia or Va/Per blends might be good for him to try.
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    @Hiker007  Most pipe shops recommend aromatics for beginners and I'm sure there is some wisdom in their recommendations. 
    I would suggest Carter Hall or Prince Albert for a beginner as both are smooth and will not bite. Personally, the first tobaccos I smoked were Borkum Riff Original and Capt. Black. Both of those are very light aromatics.

    By natural cigars, I guessing you mean non-flavored cigars like the CAO Moontrance or Drew Estates Acid, or Java type cigars. I've smoked a lot of hand rolled cigars and they were all made from natural leaf tobaccos. Does he like Maduros? Connecticut Leaf? Honduran? etc. If you mean non-flavored then I would go with a burley based tobacco or an english blend that is very light on orientals. 

    You may be surprised, but there are a lot of cigar smokers I know who said they would never smoke an aromatic pipe tobacco when they started but have slowly all have become aro smokers.
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    He smokes Connecticut.  Yes, on the non-flavored cigars.  He smokes cheap Connecticut Dominican cigars.  He told me pays less than a dollar a stick.  He normally buys a bundle at a time from JR Cigars.  I think I might offer to meet up with him and give him the chance to try some different tobacco that I have already opened.  I gave him the stuff yesterday at church.  I did not get a chance to really talk with him.  I slipped him the bag right before the service started.
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