Keep Your Zippo Out Of Your Pants Pocket After Refilling It

Some things you learn through repetition, some things by trial and error, and other things simple common sense is all that's required. Not putting a Zippo lighter in my pants pocket after just filling it probably comes under the heading 'common sense' ... but in any case ... the lesson has been learned.
While sitting in my chair for an afternoon smoke I began getting a terrible burning sensation in my thigh. Since I was sitting directly in the blazing noonday sun my first thought was my leg made had contact with the metal arm of the chair. But that was not the case. The pain continued to increase as if I had been stung by a hornet or had a pocketful of fire ants.
I leaped out of the chair digging into my pocket, retrieving my still moist Zippo lighter. Apparently I'd overfilled the lighter and due to the position I was sitting the lighter shifted upside down in my pocket causing the excess fluid to leak out. The fluid had soaked through my pants eventually making contact with the skin. And as a result I ended up with a reddish quarter-sized chemical burn on my leg.
Chances are everyone here is already smart enough to have known this ... if not - a word of warning for those who didn't. Lighter fluid burns even when there isn't a flame.
I think it was Pappy Joe that said to smear a little Vaseline around all sides of the insert after filling to cut down on such things and slow evaporation. I tried it on my Beattie Jet and it did work on the evaporation and I did invert it for a few seconds after filling with no loss, but don't think it would work in my jeans pocket. I only carry it around in my shirt and can't remember getting a chemical burn.
I have been wanting to know if the plug/inserts make a difference from a reliable source, thank you.
I bought a five pack several months ago, but I have not tested them. I have been using my butane inserts, because I know they work. I should probably start using a “real” Zippo again and give them a chance. The lighter I carry everyday is used more for my work, shrinking “shrink tube” insulation on wire joints. I have used a Zippo in the “distant” past, but it leave a black soot on the wires that I would rather not deal with. The double torch insert I use works for most everything….except pipes…it’s to dangerous, a slight miscalculation and torched rim😖. If I have a knock-around outside pipe, I would use the jet torch for that too…or maybe just pick up a dry stick and light it, then light the pipe, provided there are dry sticks handy.