Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to all my fellow dads/pipers! I'm about to hit my local B&M with my brother-in-law who's visiting with his family from Florida. I'll probably do a stick but I've got my pipe kit with me and am locked and loaded for some pipe tobacco pleasure. How are the rest of you celebrating the day?
@Jim102864 Happy Father's Day to you as well and everyone else at The Pipeline.
Although I bought these tins of tobacco a while back when there was a big sale at P&C my wife has been keeping them from me, as well as another batch which I expect to receive in a few days on my birthday. But here is my Father's Day stash: three from East India Trading Company: Cellar Reserve, Officer's Club, and Royal Challenge, as well as "Grand Central from Drew Estate, and of course my old stand-by Sutliff Molto Dolce. All and all a nice haul which should provide me with hours of smoking pleasure.
And as for my non-smoking Father's Day gifts I got Season One of "Ash vs The Evil Dead" and the old "Kolchak The Night Stalker" series. Now all I need to do is buy one of those portable DVD players so I can watch them outside while I smoke.