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Hola, me llamo....

mseddonmseddon Professor
edited June 2017 in The Pack
....Matt.  I'm a priest in the Episcopal Church, a husband and father (of an about-to-be 18 yr old girl), and former archaeologist currently residing in Austin, Texas. I serve St. John's Episcopal Church (Sunday services, 9 and 10:30 in English, 1pm in Spanish, all are welcome) where I get to use both my seminary training and the cross-cultural skills I learned while doing archaeology in Bolivia and Peru. As an archaeologist, I not only worked in South America, but also spent 10 years working in every western state other than California, and even got to do a fun project in Alaska. Pipe smoking used to be common for archaeologists, but has nearly ceased I think because of the potential to bias radiocarbon dates by walking around an archaeological site with modern carbon dangling out of your mouth.

My grandfather (also an Episcopal priest, he was Father Seddon version 1.0) was an inveterate pipe smoker. I swear he'd put a pipe in his mouth before putting on his pants. In his later years his wife ordered him to quit smoking and it seemed like he did. But after he died we found his pipes and tobaccos neatly set up in a shed in his backyard, and we rejoiced at his little triumph.

I smoked cigars off and on and an occasional pipe until about 6 months ago when I took up pipe smoking with a vengeance. I find it a moderately more healthy way to relax from the stresses of ministry than the usual advice I receive from fellow priests which is to drink, and heavily.

I'm delighted with my new hobby. So many things to geek out over - 100s of 1000s of pipes, 100s of tobacco blends....I've joined the Austin Pipe Club and really enjoy it because I can hang out with people who talk about something other than church. Something very very other than church on occasion! All I have to do is be gracious about those who apologize for swearing around me. I just remind them that I'm an Episcopalian, not a Baptist (though I mean no slight to Baptists, I just don't follow the rules some of them have for themselves).

I find I like lots of different tobacco types, aromatics, Va-Per blends, English blends, I particularly like Latakia-heavy blends, though I gravitate to particular ones at particular times of the day. Dunhill EMP in the morning (it really does go well with coffee), a Va-Per blend for writing sermons (my current favorite is LJ Peretti's No.8 slice), Latakia blends on the weekend in the middle of the day, and an aromatic in the evening (my current go-to is Casey Jones Hero's Blend).

I've picked up a slight addiction to surfing for and shopping for pipes. I dig vintage Kaywoodies in particular, but I'm also really fond of Petersen's and some of the Briar Works collection.  

Thanks for making this site and community a very gracious and welcoming one.



  • motie2motie2 Master
    @mseddon -- Welcome. You'll find both active and retired clergy from a variety of religious franchises who are active here in TPL. 
    Some have revealed themselves publicly and some only one-on-one through private DM's.
  • mseddonmseddon Professor
    @motie2. Thanks! Yeah, I know I'm not alone! The bulk of the Episcopal clergy I know gravitate to cigars. It's somewhat of a tradition to smoke cigars with your Bishop during the annual clergy conference each diocese has. This year, I'm going to bring some tobaccos, cobs, and accoutrements and see if I can't evangelize for pipes a bit.
  • Welcome @mseddon!  I agree about the "geeking out" part of piping which is another reason why I love the hobby too. At the moment I'm a kid in a candy shop, trying new blends almost weekly and returning to others I've "rested" for awhile only to remind myself how much I love the blend. 
  • PhilipPhilip Enthusiast
    awh screw radiocarbon dating, they are just taking a stab at it like anyone else. Light 'em up, who cares if some lizard's a$$ bone is 4 million years old or 5 million? I'm more interested in what Professor Ghost is going to unveil on his next briar photo spread. Now there's a guy that could use a little carbon dating! JUST KIDDING!

    Oh, by the way, welcome I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. 
  • Watchmaker61Watchmaker61 Enthusiast
    Welcome to the group!
  • Be most welcome, always good to have a variety of people.
  • Welcome to The Church Of The Divine Tobacco Leaf. All religious denominations welcome. Services are held 24/7. Smoking is not only allowed - but required.  
  • motie2motie2 Master
    A Lutheran pastor and I once spoke about buying a church building in New Hope PA (that's now a restaurant) and opening "The Church of the Cool Guy." Anyone of any faith could become a congregant, so long as they were a cool guy.

    That's what happens when you split a bottle of wine at lunch.

  • dbh1950dbh1950 Newcomer
    Mseddon, welcome, and thanks for the very interesting bio. As to the pipe smoking hobby, I think we are all simply novices at it, always some new pipe to gain one's attention and tobaccos give new territory, if you will, to explore. 
  • @mseddon,Welcome,I'm Catholic and a Freemason,I currently serve as a Chaplain in 2 of the bodies.
  • LostMasonLostMason Apprentice
    Welcome from a comparitive religon perspective. ( I know,my spelling sucks )
    anywho, I look for the comonalities of differing religious groups. But, I would enjoy
    learning more about your "Dig" expieriences. My only claim to fame is that I am
    a former human being. Now,I'm just a lump that smokes too much.
  • mseddonmseddon Professor
    Hey, great to hear from you all. Thanks for the kind welcome!

    @Philip, you know, you speak more truth than you may know. My rule of thumb when sending in C14 dates was "never send in a sample for which you don't already know the date." In other words, you need to be pretty sure of the context of what you are dating, which should give you a good guess as to the age of the sample, otherwise you'll get results that will be hard to interpret. And the truth is, it would be hard to bias a sample with a little ash from a pipe. But, if one of your colleagues disagrees with the date, they'll use anything they can to argue the date is biased. So best not to smoke on site. Plus I did a lot of work in the desert west during the dry season and there was no way in heck I was going to risk starting a wildfire. I could just picture the headlines "Loser archaeologist causes 400,000 acres to burn whilst indulging a strange habit." 

    Here's a photo though of Jesse Jennings, pioneer Great Basin archaeologist and well known SOB (one of his students called him "The Dark Lord") with his pipe.
  • PhilosoPiperPhilosoPiper Connoisseur
    @mseddon, I am a Houstonian as well as a pastor! So welcome from a fellow Texan & Clergyman! If you are ever in the area, I am always up for a beer and a smoke!
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Maybe the presence of so many clergymen on this site explains our cordiality and civility when compared to other pipe forums.

    It's a nice thought, anyway. 

    Pax tecum / Peace be with you! (individually)
    Pax vobiscum /Peace be with y'all! (collectively)
  • There you go and ruin it Motie.  Here all along I was thinking it was our preponderance of charming wit and amplitude of dashing good looks.  :)
  • Oh, and welcome msedd
  • mseddonmseddon Professor
    @PhilosoPiper, very cool! Thanks for the offer. Our Diocesan headquarters are in Houston, and every now and then I'm summoned. I'll try to see if we can share a beer and a smoke next time!
    @motie2, nice Latin! Hmm, I'd love to take the credit for the general civility and cordiality, but I think maybe we are just blessed with nice folks and a good culture of mutual support. Plus, it's hard to get all het up over pipes and tobaccos, even if you don't like a particular pipe or tobacco, it's hard to argue that said pipe or tobacco is inherently bad.
    Thanks to everyone for the kind welcome!

  • motie2motie2 Master
    @mseddon -- I've seen the English Lat Bombers go to the mattresses with the Sweet Aromatics. Don't discount strong feelings amongst testosterone laden pipe smokers. I've read through  webpages of pipe forums that have had flame wars, with trolls and war cries of "NO MORE BRISTLY PIPE CLEANERS." <Dramatic license not only taken, but spirited across state lines>. Anyways, we are a spirited and collegial bunch.... and everyone can gain tenure!! Again, welcome aboard.
  • mseddonmseddon Professor
    @motie2, English Lat Bombers vs. the Sweet Aromatics! Sounds like a Roller Derby match! That I'd love to see!

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