Pipe mud is used to fill the bottom of a Corn Cob's bowl up to the height of the stem to prevent burn outs, etc. it also is useful to repair burnouts and voids in Briar and Meerschaum lined bowls. To make it mix fine tobacco ash (Cigar ash is ideal, pipe ash has to have the chunks removed.) with a thick liquid (Some use spit. I use Honey and a little whiskey.) to form a semi thick mud. Apply in thin layers and smoke the pipe to bake it solid, repeat till it is as thick as you want it. I use one of those Chinese aluminum Pipe Nails as a Spatula, the flat side to apply and the curved side to conform to the curved bowl wall and the rounded end to move the mud around the bowl bottom.
Why the cigar ash and not pipe ash again? My pipe ash can be quite fluffy and "chunk-free". Once you wet it there can't be all that much difference or is there?
I'm also trying to remember where I read it but someone wrote about using the fireplace patch that comes in the tube as a pipe mud.
I think you're right Mr. Woodsman. I did look closely at some ash I had in an ashtray and did notice it was not as uniform as I thought. I also found the article I mentioned. It was from one of my favorite sites, Reborn Pipes, by Mr. Wolford. He mentions the fireplace patch, cigar ash and also activated carbon.
If you don't want to read through it, he mentions the fact that the ash trick has the advantage of allowing moisture to penetrate the patch.
No mention of flavors, perhaps someone could do a whiskey pairing.
By the way. That was almost exactly the same article that Professor Motie posted, but wasn't the one I had in mind. The first one he posted actually has a better description. Anyone who wants to tinker around themselves would do themselves a big favor by digging around on the Reborn Pipes site.