Home Pipes & Tools

In Search of a Few Good Spreadsheets

As some of you all here know, although I started smoking pipes back in
1982, I only really got into them this past October. Since then my
Briar Stable and my Tobacco Cellar have both experienced exponential
growth. (we won't talk about my available discretionary income ??? )

you may not know is that I work @ a small software development company
as an Operations Director. As is often the case, one thing that many of
us in the company have in common, besides golf and cigars, is that we
all seem to be collectors. Some of us collect baseball cards, others
Beanie Babies, before getting into pipes I collected antique and vintage
wrist watches and old pens.

The thing I've learned, as it
pertains to other collectibles, is that there seems to be tremendous
resources, by way of inventories or databases, that help collectors keep
track of their collections as well as informing them about any items
they may be missing from said collections.

I've been poking
around the ol interweb and haven't really found as much of this
information on pipes as I seem to run into for Beanie Babies or Pez

Having a voracious appetite for whatever I'm
interested in, I would like to find any and all spreadsheets that might
exist for pipes. More specifically, I would love to find spreadsheets
that might contain all the model #'s, shapes and years of any give pipe
company's production over the years. I guess I'm really looking for
databases or the info with which I could create one.

So, with all of that being said, I'd love to hear from any of you that might be able to help set me on the right path.

Thanks in advance



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