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No relight needed

Hiker007Hiker007 Enthusiast
Yesterday, was the first time ever where I smoked a bowl and did not have to relight my pipe. I did a charge light then a light, enjoyed the rest of the bowl without having to light it again. I know it is a little thing but it felt like a big accomplishment for me.


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    mfresamfresa Master
    @Hiker007 what kind of pipe and tobacco was it?
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    @Hiker007 Once I started sipping my pipe slowly as opposed to puffing like a locomotive I finally got to the point when I didn't need to relight my pipe. The only time I need to relight seems to be when I talking to someone and there are gaps between smoking and talking. Otherwise if I'm staring out into space and daydreaming - or planning my next move towards world domination - I can usually smoke all the way down to a nice white ash.   
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    xDutchxxDutchx Master
    There is no shame in relighting a pipe.
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    Hiker007Hiker007 Enthusiast
    @mfresa I do not have a brand name pipe. The tobacco is a mixture of Lane tobacco.
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    @Hiker007, Good Job!, you packed the pipe properly and smoked it correctly, but as @xDutchx said , there is no shame in relighting, it's part of the process.
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    Topaz75Topaz75 Professor
    While I certainly agree that relighting is part of the process, there is an extent to which it is indicative of a problem. If you find yourself constantly having to relight, then something is definitely wrong. Could be the tobacco, could be the draw, could be your packing or smoking technique.

    In any case, it's something to work on. Although occasional relighting is necessary, it's not to be overdone. It's tedious for the pipe smoker, and watching someone constantly relight a pipe is probably one of those things about pipe smoking that annoys the general public.
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    motie2motie2 Master
    ".....watching someone constantly relight a pipe is probably one of those things about pipe smoking that annoys the general public." 

    Aw, poor general public. Seems to me that there are many more important things going on today to be annoyed about.
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    PhilosoPiperPhilosoPiper Connoisseur
    I want to piggy-back on this question if that is okay and ask: What, would one consider, to be "too many" relights?
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    motie2motie2 Master
    <<What, would one consider, to be "too many" relights?>>  That's a question whose answer will have to await the coming of the Messiah.

    Meanwhile, "Your good friend, Bradley" had an interesting presentation about the subject on his 4-5-15 Sunday Smoke show on YouTube. 
    <<A little bit of a change for Sunday Smoke this week: instead of Bradley's blathering, we're going to see if it really IS possible to smoke an entire bowl without having to relight even once. Here's a hint: Yes. Yes it is.>>

    I also recommend Bradley's StuffandThings channel on YouTube for tobacco reviews (72 thus far), especially of English and VaPer blends.
    He's an entertaining guy....

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    If I find myself relighting more than three or four times I assume I've packed the pipe wrong and begin digging around in the bowl to loosen up the tobacco and then tamp lightly on the tobacco and try again. Being an aromatic smoker you can imagine it happens from time-to-time with a moist blend. I have found myself so frustrated with a bowl that won't stay lit that I'll dump the whole thing and get something else. Doesn't happen often because I too cheap to waste tobacco. But when you find yourself smoking more matches than pipe tobacco it's time for a change of plan.
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    I'm still learning, but I've recently packed (using the "three pinch" method) my bowls even lighter than I already was packing them 
    and have found (shockingly) that I've reduced my relighting to some degree.  I'm still probably relighting too much, but I just figure it's part of the ritual and continue watching piper YouTube videos or playing WWF or staring at my navel.
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