Cleaning and Restoration

I picked up 3 "Estate Pipes" today at a somewhat local antique venue. A Kaywoodie, a Yellobole, and a John Murray pipe, $10 apiece so I figure I did pretty well even for cheap pipes. All three including the Yellobole are imported briar. They were bought by the seller at an estate sale some time ago. The stems are in fairly decent shape, and the bowls on the KW and the JM have been reamed at some point or they just were not smoked very much. As soon as I got home I took them apart and soaked the stems in Ever Clear and ran cleaners through them until I felt they were free of sludge and bacteria (if there were any). I usually use rubber bits anyway as I tend to be a clencher so I am not too freaked out by smoking a "used" pipe. Reassembled there seems to be on a dry run no ghosting or any tobacco taste whatsoever.
Next I want to deal with polishing the stems and the briar bowls. Somewhere I read that some guys use "Berts Bees" (lip balm) to polish the briar. I could get some carnnuba (sp?) but we have some of the Berts Bees product right here at home. Any thoughts? Also I am going to polish the stems, after using some OxiClean, with toothpaste as that seems to be recommended as well, Any thoughts on that? I also have some jewelers rouge that I can use with a foredom rotary unit or my dremel that I use for decoy carving if that is better, or a scothbrite sponge.
Looking for expert opinions here........thanks in advance.
Shades of Tolkien and Lewis – Restoring a Stunning Figural Briar “Dryad”
I'll have to find out more about the waxes and cleaners he used... tnx...
Just a quick warning, acrylic will haze and Bakelite will soften and melt if soaked in Eveclear😳
Been there, done that😖
I’m not following your thought, I’m too slow today🤔
I know, I know, it was a strech, but the way COVID has limited things, I start reaching for ANY humor I can find... ANYWHERE...😬
Ahh, that wasn’t me, it was @Monk70, now it makes sense👌🏻
😳 🙁 😭
Nice looking pipe. A Peterson #268 K-Briar? I think it would have been better without the “modification” though😬.
Save the broken tenon, “someone” might be able to repair that with a hidden internal stainless tube, unless of course, you are just going to make/fit a new stem or have a stem made.
Which Products and Why – Adhesives & Abrasives for Pipe Restoration
It's not, but then, what is?
That is a bummer😢
Yea, that really sucks🙁
I have lined a couple of cracked shanks with stainless steel. I did have to cut the internal seam smooth of the stainless steel tube with a little boring bar I made for the lathe. I had to do it because it had to extend all the way to the end of the shank and the tenon had to fit into it smoothly. By the way, nice pipe....well, before the unintentional “modification” anyway. I hope you get it fired up.
Out, Damned Spot! 14th March, 2012: Posted by glpease
<<After years of experimentation, I have come up with a promising method for freshening up those old briars, almost to their virgin state.>>