A letter opener works fine for me. I'm actually a bit neurotic about this, as I tend to be ridiculously careful when opening a tobacco tin. For some reason perhaps only known to Dr. Freud, it really annoys me if I damage one in the process.
Having bought the majority of my tobacco in bulk or OTC brands packaged in a pouch the first time I got a tin I wasn't able to open it either. But unlike you, I was too embarrassed to ask anyone for help. After all, having told everyone I've been smoking for 50 years - to then turn around and suggest I can't open a tin of CAO Eileen's Dream was quite embarrassing. Thankfully I found a video on YouTube making me realize I wasn't the only one who spent a majority of their life smoking cheap OTC brands in a pouch and not the better grade blends in tins.
One trick to easily opening European style tins, is to place the tin on a flat surface upside down, before using a coin or something similar to break the air seal. When the tin is right side up, it is easy to put opposing pressure on the top of the tin. By turning it upside down, it is easier to keep you fingers off both halves, and it requires less effort to break the seal.
If none of the above works you could use a jack hammer. Just place the tin on a hard surface and viola'. Some minor sweeping and/or pipe repair may be required after. Good luck!
Seems to be a few new members showing up, so I thought bumping this back up to the front might be useful. I still remember my first experience with a tin. Simple advice like this would have been very useful.
I use a coin, my pipe tool, or one of the tools on my multi-tool pocket knife that resembles a flat head screwdriver to pop open my new tins. I like using my multi-tool, since it once belonged to my grandfather before it was passed down to me.
@Woodsman, Come to think of it, with a plasma cutter and a steady hand, you should be able to open a tin of Virginias and stove them in a single pass. LoL
Three ways of doing this: 1) Firmly clamp the bottom of the tin in a bunch vice then grasp the top part of the tin with a pipe wrench large enough to fit, then firmly twist counterclockwise, 2) Using a blow torch, slightly heat the top end of the cap then twist open, or 3) Just insert a coin or pipe tool and twist until the seal is broken.
I use the spoon or shovel, if you will, from my tamping tool. Place the tip in one of the tin's grooved slots and gently push in enough to get the tip underneath. Then slowly turn the spoon and you'll hear a whooshing sound which is the sound of air rushing in. Either that or C-4.
@Woodsman, Come to think of it, with a plasma cutter and a steady hand, you should be able to open a tin of Virginias and stove them in a single pass. LoL
1) Firmly clamp the bottom of the tin in a bunch vice then grasp the top part of the tin with a pipe wrench large enough to fit, then firmly twist counterclockwise,
2) Using a blow torch, slightly heat the top end of the cap then twist open, or
3) Just insert a coin or pipe tool and twist until the seal is broken.