Be Honest ... How Would You Describe The Pouch Note Of Blending Perique?

Having been an aromatic smoker the majority of my life one of the first things that attracts me to a new blend is the pouch note or Jar note (if I'm at a tobacconist). If it smells good in the pouch I'll be more apt to buy it. Now mind you I've been burned on a few occasions when I've been deceived by the pouch note and the flavor was nothing like my nose led me to believe. But for the most part I've found the pouch note to be a good gage.
And then we have blending Perique.
I ordered 4 oz. of blending Perique as my first step in branching out and experiment with new blends. Hoping to eventually incorporate some non-aromatic and possibly English blends into my rotation.
The worst thing I could have possibly done was stick my nose into the bag and take a good whiff. Oh My God! After years of sniffing the sweet blends of vanilla, chocolate, maple, and fruit tobacco, the last thing I was expecting to smell was the scent of newly cut grass saturated in urine. My Perique had a barnyard smell reminiscent of straw in an animal pen.
Is this what Perique is suppose to smell like? Or did employees at the Post Office repeatedly relieve themselves in the corner where my package happened to be stacked?
I'd like members who commonly use blending Perique to describe for me their take on the pouch note.