Pipe shop bucket list
in Tobacco Talk
I'm trying to put together an American Pipe Shop bucket list. These would be the best of the best pipe shops in America to visit. Does anyone have recommendations? The Country Squire in Jackson, MS is on the top of my list (love the podcast). I currently live in Maryland but anywhere in the lower 48 is fair game. Let me know what your thoughts are!
I second the Country Squire. I made the trip there not long ago, it is the definition of what a pipe shop should be.
Edward's, Englewood, CO
Iwan Ries, Chicago
McCranies, Charlotte, NC
Nat Sherman, NYC
Boswell's, Chambersberg Pensylvania
Bloomington ,IN
The Briar Shoppe, Houston, TX
LJ Peretti
Iwan Ries
The Country Squire (I've been here, and also patronize the store, so this comes as the highest recommendation. If you like pipes and tobaccos, you owe it to yourself to come here at least once.)
Jon's Pipe Shop, Champaign, IL
Iwan Ries
The Country Squire
Jon's Pipe Shop
The Gatlinburlier
LJ Peretti
Just for Him
So many shops, so little time.