Happy International Pipe Smoking Day

in The Lounge
It's the best day of the year, International Pipe Smoking Day! How are you celebrating today?
I took a drive down to the river today, and sat on the bank and smoked a bowl of Old Dark Fired to celebrate IPSD. The weather here for February is just incredible this year.
@Deadpool57, I've been bullied as well, and it doesn't feel good. Looking back over the years, I would have to say that my parents and teachers were the worst.
P&C had a problem with the delivery of my last order so they sent me a coupon for $20.00 on my next order. In no short order I immediately used the coupon and purchased 2 tins of Molto Dolce, 1 tin of Maple Street, and then took a chance and ordered my first Latakia blend Captain Black "Black Sea". I know it's technically a Captain Black aromatic blend - but it's their first with Latakia and thought it might be my best way of easing into Latakia. As I said before I'm not a fan of English blends - so this might be a viable option to try a Latakia.
I also spend a good portion of the day smoking my pipe while walking along the trails of Deep River Park with my wife. We were taking advantage of the unseasonably warm February Midwestern weather.