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The Mighty Tax Return

Since I always pay too much into taxes, I normally receive a moderate return! I also, normally, drool over my next purchase that I'll get due to my return! Is there anyone eyeballing their next pipe or large tobacco purchase?  A Sand Blasted Drunkin Dubliner is calling my name!  If that doesn't happen, I'm sure that John's Pipe Shop in St. Louis we'll be getting a lot of different tobaccos purchased! 


  • I used to always be able to count on getting back around the same amount, but in recent years a portion of that amount has dwindled. It's a classic case for the need to "adapt and overcome." I usually always have my eye on a few possibilities, but here recently I have been trying to curtail pipe purchases, in order to cellar some of the fantastic blends marketed after Feb 2007. The struggle seems to be ignoring the fact that estate prices have plummeted since last August. I have seen some very pricey pipes go for a fraction of their original selling price, and in those cases, an opportunity missed, is an opportunity lost.

    A dedicated pipeman can always get by on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I suppose, if his priorities are in the right place.

  • Being self-employed means instead of having taxes deducted from  paycheck, I have to make quarterly estimated tax payments. Fortunately, one the brightest things I did was decide to use a CPA to do my taxes and maintain good records. First 5 or 6 years I wound up paying more at tax times. Since then, I have been getting sizeable refunds. Instead of blowing that money, I just roll it over into the next year estimated taxes. 
  • So I figured I'd go to the St. Louis Pipe Show to use some of my money that I earned from taxes and I learned two things: 1) There is never enough money at a pipe show  and 2) apparently I smoke small bowled smoking pipes!   The size of some of these smoking pipes were extraordinary! I'm 6'3 with a fair sized bear paw and some of these pipes were bigger than that!  Maybe I'm naive but am I the only one that smokes the smaller bowled smoking pipes anymore?  

    @xDutchx there is nothing wrong PB & J :-)  

  • @Deadpool57, I'm guessing that the pipe size is mostly preference. Years ago, I bought a very large Moretti Lovat, and I remember when I took her to a few pipe shops, I got a lot of comments and attention. It's kinda like rolling up in a Ferrari at Waffle House. LoL

    When I started collecting, I bought all sizes and shapes of pipes. Later on, I started to prefer smaller pipes in the 20 to 50 gram weight range, even though I don't continuously clench. I remember reading somewhere, that it takes more skill for a pipe maker to carve a small pipe. I think that may provide a little more personal satisfaction, when adding a new pipe to my collection.

    One type or style of pipe that I look for, but don't see frequently, is a large deep bowled, lightweight pipe measuring less than 5 inches for smoking Lat blends.

    Did you happen to take any pics at the show?

  • I did not but here are some photos from facebook that I commandeered.

    16807018_10210205106517554_6968188511653565758_nPhoto by Richard Neil Hutchings 

  • Fortunately and unfortunately, my tax return it going to cover some of my recent PAD and TAD purchases.
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