Yeah the picture in the tab is rather hard to see. I just found it last night out of pure luck. It's the third from the right on the toolbar that has bold, italic,...
@charlenestglaneltd That's good to know that we can just copy and paste into the box as well. Thanks. I have my pictures usually buried to where I can never find them in that little browser
@CharleneSTGLaneLTD I have tagged quite a few photos as well that do not seem to sync. I use Instagram and figured its just not picking up photos from there. I use Chrome as my browser
I'm having trouble posting pics, I tried the image icon and selected the pic, clicked submit and it won't load, tried to copy and paste directly into the text box and it won't let me paste. Any help is appreciated.
I've tried on my iPhone, iPad, my work computer, and my laptop at home, the IOS devices won't load anything, the other computers looks like they load a bad image. It shows up with the box with an x and just says image underneath
I am not seeing Jud's images but just a box saying "Image hosted by Angelfire". is this true for others, or is there something I can do to get the images?
Concerning the duplicates, you can search the site before posting. But wouldn't it be handy if they could add the search function right on these pages?
Another suggestion, a "How To" page. I spent forever figuring out a way to post images, and even then it came out huge.
Yet another suggestion, put the most recent posts on page one, or at least put the page selection boxes at the top of the page as well as at the bottom.
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