The Common Cold and Tobacco Taste, What to do?
in Tobacco Talk
I have four kids, so I get several colds during the season, or I'm often fighting one off. Colds affect my tastebuds and palate. So much so I can't taste the finer nuanced flavors of my tobaccos. It can really 'dumb down' a quality tobacco smoke. I'm looking for suggestions of very strong flavored tobaccos that may have a chance of being tasted despite a cold. I smoke English blends, usually medium to strong in taste. Any suggestions are appreciated.
IMO, the intelligent approach here, would be to try to address the issue of how you are getting sick, and attempt to avoid getting sick altogether. Smoking a pipe while you are sick, can put you at a severe disadvantage, and can leave you with serious lung and breathing issues. Yes, it is true, even though we do not intentionally inhale, smoking a pipe while you are sick can exacerbate your condition.
It could kill you, but most likely you will end up being prescribed a steroid inhaler, and will get over the condition eventually.
Don't ask me how I know. I might be totally forthright, and relate a personal story.
I agree with @xDutchx and when I get sick I avoid the pipe altogether. Especially if it involves the respiratory system. I contracted pneumonia on two separate occasions one winter and since that time when-ever the flu comes around - and if I catch it - it goes right to my lungs and I develop a severe respiratory infection, putting me on my ass for a week or so. And the last thing on my mind is smoking.
My suggestion is kick the cold, heal up, then once healthy enough to smoke again you'll enjoy your first bowl all the more.
You might want to try taking echinacea on a daily basis, as that's a natural supplement that can help fight colds. I've used it before and its helped me. Try that and a Vitamin C supplement, since it seems to be a common problem for you.
I have the habit of taking the attitude of the guy in the Deadpool57's pic. I just don't treat a cold like much of sickness, but an annoyance. But I'm hearing you guys about the respiratory danger. Makes sense.
On the other hand, I did have some Bayou Night yesterday evening by the fire. There is enough perique to get some of its flavors despite a minor cold.