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New in The Lounge: Packing Techniques- Spiral Palm Pack Method

Here's a unique way to pack your pipe, that's especially great for beginners. Show off at your next pipe club meeting as the tobacco loads itself into the bowl like magic. Contributed to the site by our very own @pylorns.


  • From David @ James Fox: "....you'll find that it fills itself. Then, sit back....and enjoy it!"
  • PhilipPhilip Enthusiast
    Need to try this out at least just to see how it works. I usually use a combination of the traditional method and the Frank method. It works out pretty good since I smoke a lot of flake. This method is for ribbon.

    By the way doing all the other stuff, not just the smoking part, is half the fun to me of my pipe. Well . . . perhaps 33%. 
  • This is the method that I always use; it provides a consistent and even pack that typically requires no relights. This method also loads the tobacco in a spiral/tornado like way that helps keep the ember towards the center of the bowl.

    And Philip, this method can be used for flake. You have to break it up very well, other wise the broken flake will expand with the heat and "clog" the bowl.
  • PhilipPhilip Enthusiast
    Tried it out for my evening smoke last night and it worked out great. I don't know why I was surprised but it was kind of nifty to use a word the kids use nowadays. I can see where this would be a great method if you're some one who tends to over-pack their pipe (me). It does keep it consistent as Mr. Glohman said. I did have to dress it up a bit at the end but otherwise it is a very nice technique. 

    As for the flake, like I mentioned above, I have somewhat of a mish mash way of loading my pipe when using flake, or especially coin. I'll rub out a little to load conventionally but use a folded coin or part of the flake whole and make the plug as in the Frank method, then top off with some more of the loose. I can pack it too tight if I get zealous but I'm usually careful.

    Overall I like it. Thanks for the tip.
  • Never heard of this packing method before. It appears to be a cool trick!
  • JaGri1JaGri1 Newcomer
    edited February 2017
    Gave it a try yesterday, works pretty well, seems like it'll help me pack a consistent bowl. Good tip

  • Thanks for the tip. This method works great. A consistently light pack top to bottom. I'll definitely keep it in my packing repertoire.
  • For me it not only keeps the ember in the center, it lets the pipe run cooler as the tobacco pulls inward away from the bowl a tiny bit under heat and lets some air between. I have no idea why it contracts like that.
  • AnthonyAnthony Apprentice
    Ok, well I tried it yesterday, with a new pipe and a tobacco I had never smoked before. It worked just fine only one relight on a brand new pipe!  
  • The Irish guy on the video comes across like my sweet old grandfather.  I find that the method works better if one corkscrews the pipe in one direction, rather that grind it back and forth like he is doing.  That said, the key piece of advice is given at the end of the video - "Enjoy"!!
  • Must have done it wrong.
  • I'll try again tomorrow.
  • PhilipPhilip Enthusiast
    Since I don't have a knack for it yet the problems I faced so far is not putting the right amount of tobacco in my hand. It does make more of a mess but I attribute that to not knowing what I'm doing. Too much  then it spills over my hand, too little and I have to tip up the bowl to sneak more under. I'm not sure if I have enough in. I want to push down on the bowl to see how compressed it is, but that act compresses it more and I don't know if I screwed it up or not. 

    I think it's fun because it's different. For me the advantage I see is it prevents me from overfilling the pipe. I don't think I would do this other than sitting down with my wooden bowl I use which catches what spills over the side of my hand. I can also see where this would not work for 75% of the kind of tobacco I smoke.
  • I roll it in my palms first, to get the tobacco all going in the same direction. Then I use the pipe roll method. Works great for Gawith & Hogarth Bob's Chocolate Flake.
  • Tried it again, more success this time.
  • Been smoking a pipe for almost 50 years and I'm still learning something new all the time. I'll try this technique tonight.
  • I think I still prefer the older Pinch and Pack method, less messy.
  • I tried it last night and failed miserably. Maybe it's cause I was using a bent pipe and it was harder to get that spiral motion. I won't give up because it looks so easy on the video. It also seems a bit messy. 
  • @ghostofpompeii, I also have problems with a bent pipe.  Seems I don't get enough in the bowl to pack densely enough.  Makes for a short smoke, although it does minimize relighting.
    I just fall back on the "stuff it in" method.  Seems to work well and lasts a bit longer.
  • glohmanglohman Newcomer
    I get it to work in all my pipes, once you get it down it works great.
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