TPL at St. Louis Pipe Club's Gateway Area Pipe Show- February 18, 2017

in The Pack
Join us to kick off the pipe show season at the St. Louis Pipe Club's 29th Annual Gateway Area Pipe Show. This Pipe Life will be there to raise awareness of our community and pipe tobacco. The event is held at the Webster Groves Masonic Lodge from 9am-5pm and admission is free.

If you are a St. Louis resident or simply live nearby, drop by for the opportunity to try some great pipe tobacco blends in a Missouri Meerschaum Corn Cob.
We hope to see many of you there!

I am looking forward to checking out all the pics yall manage to take.
It is nice to see that there are still a few venues, where actual pipe smoking is allowed on the show floor.
LoL! Yeah that might be a good idea! Sorry, I should have said something when I read that.
It was another fun weekend from the crowded smoke filled room with the gang Thursday night at the hotel to visiting the area cigar shops with the boys on Friday where we were offered some great discounts. The Friday night reception/ presale was well attended with snacks and a generous open bar provided by the club.
The show was jam packed from 8 to about 3 when things started to clear out. In a room with a bunch of scruffy old guys the lovely Nichol stood out in her black tank top and was the talk of the room. I have never seen that kind of interest in a Lane ltd samples before!
We had another lively smoke filled room Saturday night that lasted to the wee hours of the morning till we said goodbye till we all meet again in Chicago in May.