Cavalier pipes
in The Lounge
Anybody had any experience with a Cavalier style pipe, the one with the drain hole in the bottom of it? Seems like a natural fit for an aromatic, "gloppy" tobacco, which I seem to love. Thoughts?
I will look out for one, but worse case, I will try, emphasize "try", to make one. Saw a neat one on the web today, will try to post the photo of it. It doesn't have a drain hole, but if I make one, it will definitely have a drain.
I'm not a huge fan of full bent pipes, but the cavalier shape and it's variants are one style I enjoy collecting. Here are a couple Cavaliers I have added to my collection. The Moretti with the Morta foot I still have in my collection, and the GBD Prehistoric Collector, I gifted to a fellow pipe collector friend of mine from Maryland.....
Thanks for the comments guys! The Moretti remains unsmoked, due to the fact that I'm not really into heavy pipes. The GBD looked like it was smoked only once, and was a fantastic deal and easy restoration. The seller on ebay believed that the rondell was missing, but in fact, it was terribly oxidized along with the stem. If I am not mistaken, Al hasn't smoked it yet, and told me he always gets questions and comments about it's unique appearance, anytime someone browses his pipe collection. When a non pipe smoker inquires about a particular pipe in a pipe collectors collection, I think that says a lot about the pipes ability to inspire curiosity.
I have another smooth GBD almost identical to the Prehistoric, however I don't have pics handy. With grace, I spilt a bottle of Four Roses small batch into my previous laptop, and now I need to buy a hard drive dock to retrieve those pics. Hopefully I will be able to have some luck, and I will be able to post up a few pics in the near future.
In the meantime, here is a little eye candy for the Cavalier/Collector admirers. If I remember correctly, this is one of Chris Askwith's Cavalier's, a Morta with Cumberland stem that is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to add one just like this to my collection.
@PappyJoe, I was being facetious. LoL
Seriously though, at some point, the wife or significant other will ask the eternal question, "How many pipes do you need?"
That is when the educated pipe smoker can respond with intelligent answers, concerning pipe geometry and engineering, quality of briar, as well as pipe collecting for posterity. The reality is, someone has to take it upon themselves to be the caretaker of these fine pieces, for the benefit of future generations.
Sometimes, the yard doesn't get mowed, and the gutters cleaned out, because there are simply more important things to do with our lives.
Most of us suffer(?) from PAD/TAD, My wife doesn't seem to mind, but does comment on the amount of packages I receive.