'Smokes For Sale' vs The Traditional Tobacco Shop
For all you guys and gals in the pipe smoking community with a genuine brick and mortar tobacco shop within driving distance count yourself lucky. Once The Tinder Box closed it's doors at my local Mall some years ago, there has been nothing to replace it for pipe smokers. Oh sure ... there is a plethora of strip mall 'Smokes For Less' and 'Smoke Shop' stores scattered around, but they cater to discount cigarette sales - with cartons stacked from ceiling to floor of generic and popular name brand cigarettes. And you might be fortunate enough to find one of those stores with a smattering of better grade cigars in temperature controlled display cases - but for the most part the shelves are primarily stocked with cheap flavored cigars with plastic tips.
As for the pipe smoker ... on a good day you might happen upon one or two of the more popular OTC blends like "Captain Black", "Half And Half", "Sir Walter Raleigh", "Carter Hall" or "Borkum Riff" poorly displayed on the shelf behind the cashier. But their dedicated pipe tobacco section is usually restricted to a small nook in the back of the store, consisting of a wire rack with one pound bags of bulk budget blends dangling from a hook with names like "Smokers Pride", "Jester", Gambler", Virginia Gold" or "Super Value".
And don't even bother asking for accessories like a Czech pipe tool, tamper, reamer, pouch moistener, bowl and stem cleaning solution or softy bit. You may as well be speaking a foreign language. Best you can hope for is leaving with a package of pipe cleaners.
Several new Smoke Shops began popping-up in strip malls near me but all cater to Hookah tobacco and fruity Shisha, as well as an extensive array of vaping delivery systems and flavored e-juices. But once again - nothing for pipe smokers other than those one pound bags of budget tobacco.
Unfortunately, traditional tobacco shops in America are about as plentiful as Drive-In Theaters.
For the time being, I count myself fortunate. I live 2 hours south of Uptown's in Nashville, TN. and an hour and a half north of The Briary in Birmingham, AL.
The libby's have been pushing this agenda for decades, and with the baby boomer's impact on the health care system, they have managed to take smoking statistics to a whole new level. I'm not sure at this point, if it's possible to educate the public on the differences between pipes/cigars and cigarette tobacco.