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New in The Lounge: Indoor Smoking Tips

It's really cold now. Too cold. Actually enjoying your pipe outdoors is now next to impossible. So, what now? TPL has put together some tips that can allow you to enjoy your pipe indoors.


  • That's what they make sheepskin coats for.  Smoking in winter. :-)
  • We have a daughter with asthma and allergies so I got used to not smoking inside the house about 28 years ago. The house we now own has a 2 car garage that I use for storage and as a workshop. It also has a corner bar with 2 stools and a sound system, a recliner and a small metal end table so when it's too cold (that term being relative to where you live. In South Louisiana it generally means anything the temperature drops below 45 degrees F) or if it's is raining. I can also be found in the garage with both the evaporative cooler and ceiling fan running during the summer months when it is otherwise too hot to even sit under my oak tree in the backyard. 
  • Living in New England, I'm fortunate that neither my wife nor my dogs object to my smoking a pipe indoors during the winter. We don't have guests that often, but when we do I generally just refrain from smoking at that time.

    I think this highlights one of the advantages that pipe smoking has over cigarettes. For us, smoking is a hobby and not a habit. We can occasionally take a break from it without having a behavioral meltdown.
  • When it's too cold to even go in the garage to smoke I head for my second winter smoking refuge. Well ... it's not the most pleasant place in the house but it does have a ceiling fan ... and that's the smaller of our two  bathrooms. I do feel like a bit of an outcast sitting on the toilet (lid closed of course) when I want to enjoy a daytime smoke - but it's better than freezing my tail off outside or in an unheated garage sitting directly in front of a space heater that only manages to warm either the upper or lower part of my body, depending upon whether I place the heater on top the table or below it.     
  • pylornspylorns Apprentice
    Luckily I have a workshop that is cooled and heated that I smoke in year round.  But I did get a smoking jacket for Christmas for those extra chily days. 
  • I concur with @PappyJoe, the feeling of cold can be relative. I live in Colorado and our cold is a dry cold, so it doesn't cut through you. Its actually quite pleasant and refreshing.  Also, when the old sun comes out it feels much warmer than it actually is. Our arid climate makes a big difference. Even when temps are in the negative I can hang out in my garage/workshop and be quite comfortable with only a small space heater.
    Personally, I enjoy smoking most in cool to cold temps. In the summer you'll find me smoking only in the cool mornings or evenings. Also, 9 out of 10 times I prefer open air smoking as compared to indoors. I prefer being outdoors in general.
  • I use a twin blade window fan that has variable speed control. It fits perfectly in the window next to the couch I use when smoking inside. I also have a small charcoal air filter that sits above me that catches any smoke not carried out by the fan. This system has worked quite well. I use it during all seasons when I do not wish to retreat outdoors.
  • Walking the dogs always works on a cold day or night. I travel a lot so the car with a window cracked can work. I would like an insulated garage with heat. Working on that :)
  • Living in Minnesota this is too real for me. It's so hard to find a place to smoke during the winter(most of the year). I live in a house with some other folks, one of which has asthma. I'm slowly finding ways to convert my bedroom into a smoke room. It already has a ceiling fan and plenty of windows for circulation. @NathanMasteller I like this idea of a charcoal air filter. I'll definitely be looking into that.
  • I just freeze my ass off, or chew nicotine gum instead.
  • SLCarricoSLCarrico Apprentice
    Some brothers may not have this option, but I often smoke outside sitting by a toasty fire in my fire pit. Day or night, and sometimes even while its snowing. This also allows those who don't like my smoke to hang out with me - the smoke of the fire is much stronger than my pipe.
    And its just simply fun, pipe or not.
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