Va/per/can blend?
Hey this is Wes. I'm new to pipe smoking and need advise as I am low income . Messed my back up on job one day. Is there a good va/per/cav lend of tobacco high in nicotine, that doesn't cost to much . One that is kinda sweet , or one that has like a chocolate hazelnut smell or taste . Let me know . Thanks yaw and have a blessed day.
For example, Daughters & Ryan's Picayune is a cheap, strong blend w/ Va and perique you could look into. You could then add something like Lane Hazelnut or Super Value Chocolate to give it the sweetness you want.
My personal suggestion for a strong aromatic would be one half Peter Stokkebye Maple Walnut (smells and tastes awesome) and one half Five Brothers Pipe Tobacco (adds a nicotine kick and it's burley so it will pair well with a nutty aromatic).
I hope this helps. Please let us know what you end up trying!