Dating MacBaren tins

This question was asked in the MacBaren Facebook group today. A response was posted based on a letter one member had sent to MacBaren. Here it is for those interested:
To the right of the bar code are two sets of numbers, as follows:
Here is their response:
Thank you for your e-mail.
This is how is decipher the code:
09 = Packing machine used
10 = Year of packing
263 = Calendar day of production. That means day 263 in 2010.
1 = Shift (1 indicates it's packed on our day shift)
The 5 digit number is the internal batch number
I applied this to a tin of HH Mature Virginia that I was planning on opening in the next couple of weeks. The number is as follows on my tin.
I got this tin in March of 2010. A little digging shows me it was tinned on September 26, 2007. Think I might hold it back for another 11 months and hit 10 years.
To the right of the bar code are two sets of numbers, as follows:
Here is their response:
Thank you for your e-mail.
This is how is decipher the code:
09 = Packing machine used
10 = Year of packing
263 = Calendar day of production. That means day 263 in 2010.
1 = Shift (1 indicates it's packed on our day shift)
The 5 digit number is the internal batch number
I applied this to a tin of HH Mature Virginia that I was planning on opening in the next couple of weeks. The number is as follows on my tin.
I got this tin in March of 2010. A little digging shows me it was tinned on September 26, 2007. Think I might hold it back for another 11 months and hit 10 years.