Need a Cool Easy Smoke for Walking Dog in Mornings
in Tobacco Talk
Hey All,
I'm new here, but excited to join this community. I'm a cigar lover who is starting to fall in love with pipes and I need some help. I'm looking for a cool smoking, easy blend for early morning dog walks. I'm not power walking but it can still be hard to manage cadence walking around with a breeze. What's a forgiving tobacco that you like? I'm learning to enjoy Englishes but find Virginias and VaPers easier to love - problem is they tend to get hot if I'm not sitting quietly with them. I've used my Dublin style meerschaum and a Dublin Peterson for walks in the past but am going to dedicate a new Missouri Meerschaum to my dog walks.
Thanks for the thoughts.
If you want a flake, which do well outdoors, I recommend Erinmore Flake. It is rich and fruity, but with plenty of tobacco flavor; I find it a little harder to get started, though, so you might consider getting it going before the walk begins or letting the flakes dry a little before you start your walk.