Mixing blends or other tobacco to make your own blend.

in Tobacco Talk
So who here mixes different tobaccos or mixes store bought blends and mixes it to make your own blend of heaven?
I personally like getting bulk flavors or blends and mixing them to make something new and different, I have been writing down what blends I use and how much so when I get really great blends I know exactly how to get the same blend again.
So if you have dabbled in blending share what you have done or your thoughts on this.
If you haven't then lets talk about why you have the blend you have and why you have never tried to make it better or if you just never thought about doing it.
I personally like getting bulk flavors or blends and mixing them to make something new and different, I have been writing down what blends I use and how much so when I get really great blends I know exactly how to get the same blend again.
So if you have dabbled in blending share what you have done or your thoughts on this.
If you haven't then lets talk about why you have the blend you have and why you have never tried to make it better or if you just never thought about doing it.
Trick or Treat has hints of everything kids get when trick or treating, mostly candy and such with a trick or two hidden in every bowl you smoke. LOL
The Winter Relief has all them good Winter baked goods rolled up in each bowl.
My Next Blend is going to be Fall is Here.
In the plans is Spring has Sprung.
Have a few more to make but not going to mention them until I have them all figured out and ready to test.
Guess I will let this topic die......
Was going to give away a couple samples.....but....I guess everyone finds what they are comfortable with and never take risks to see if something else is out there they might like or wont try to mix their own......Sad.
OK Last comment from me, this post is DEAD....LOL
I have some blends I don't like but to cover them up with stuff I like would be painful because I would be afraid of ruining good tobacco.
As for the second comment about taking two blends you like to make a better blend, I do that but you always chance making two good blends bad, that is why I do small amounts and keep measurements so I can increase them right if I like the taste and smell of what I make.....kind of a catch 22 I guess since I could do the same with stuff I don't like.....LOL
Personally I would rather trade, sell or give away the stuff I don't like and get something new I haven't had yet or maybe something I really like.
Fact is you don't have to use store/company blends, you can find different types of tobacco to buy and blend your own, some have aromas you can mix and others are just types of tobacco, key is mixing the right ones to have a good burn yet have a great taste/aroma.
Personally I think we should be able to buy these single blends/Tobacco and make our own flavors/Aromas but the FDA has to regulate everything!!
Any requests? LOL
@PappyJoe I finally got to the Straus Tobacconist store and found out both the Holiday Blends are on back order, I managed to get on a list for both. If you call you should be able to get on the list and they can ship it to you, if not I am getting enough to share some.
Sorry I have not been on in almost five days, it has been rough and I have not been feeling very good. Went to Specialist today and he says I need surgery on my neck, just waiting for them to call and get something set up........Already told them to let the surgeon know I am not getting anything done during Deer Season!!
Anyway I have been feeling bad for many health reasons so I might not be on here as much, I will miss you guys but I will try to get on once a week.
seasonal fall vanilla:
Cornell & Diehl -
Autumn Evening
East India Trading Company -
Officer's Club
mix 50/50
smokes REALLY easy...pack it with your eyes closed easy
breakfast for dinner:
Scotty's Blends -
Scotty's Pancake
McClelland - No.620 Mocha Black
mix 50/50
It's great for the evening but works just fine for a first morning smoke
long smoke mixture:
50% G.L. Pease - Virginia Cream
20% The Country Squire Tobacconist -
Green Dragon
20% Carter Hall
10% Cornell & Diehl -
Autumn Evening
smokes like a virginia enough for the virginia guys, and at least interesting for people who like flavor. (yes that is a dig on virginia smokers)
@thesubcon Nice blends and it is good to keep them wrote down somewhere, if you don't mind I would like to try a couple of your mixes.
30% Red Virginia
20% White Burley
20% Toasted Burley
20% Perique
10% Dark Fired Kentucky
Mix what you want, when you want and enjoy but remember to write down your mixes so you can go back to them when you have a craving for that blend you made a few moths ago.
Any tips on which brands offer the best quality blending baccy?
It tastes pretty much as you'd expect from the ingredients...some sweetness from the VA, quite a bit of smokiness from the the burlies and DF, and plenty of spice from the large proportion of perique. I enjoy it quite a bit. @Pipeman83 has tried it, he might be better at describing it than I am.